anointed end generation dying before the end is over
What’s The Strangest Belief of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
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Armageddon will be so bad that blood will be up to the bridal of a horse. After Armageddon the brids will have a great feast the scouts will be sent out to mark where the bones of dead people are so others can buried them. The insane teachings of the joy you will experience if you survive Armageddon. Still Totally ADD
That their leaders are not leaders (because only Jesus is the leader) but their leaders are merely "taking the lead."
That those leaders are directed by holy spirit, which allows for errors because they are not inspired. Yet, what does being directed by holy spirit mean?We could also look at their teachings on blood. They follow what they claim is a literal application of the improper usage of blood when it comes to transfusion, yet those same scriptures don't prevent them from allowing modern medicine from using blood for tests instead of what they say is the only proper use of blood- sacrifice and disposal.
Then there is the whole blood/fractions thing they created. -
The strangest Belief for me to swallow was "Only JWs would survive the Great Tribulation". Any others, however good they may be, would be destroyed."
Birthdays are bad but anniversaries are ok.
They follow what they claim is a literal application of the improper usage of blood when it comes to transfusion, yet those same scriptures don't prevent them from allowing modern medicine from using blood for tests instead of what they say is the only proper use of blood- sacrifice and disposal
Yes, I always wanted to ask a JW about this. If blood is only to be used for sacrifice and disposal, JWs shouldn't do any blood work tests at all.
The "old light" that Jehovah dwells on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades cluster.
Aren't you glad the WT never goes beyond the things written in the Bible? NOT!
The active assumption of the existence of the supernatural, despite any evidence. -
Everything in the Revelation and Daniel/Isaiah books. We studied those bible books verse by verse with an interpretation from the historical period and a modern day bullshit - the 144,000 was just the tip of the iceberg.
The way demons were blamed for everything....lost your job/spouse/will to live? you kids must be watching pokemon/harry potter/smurfs or reading horoscopes or my other favorite - "secret sin" in the kingdom hall. Out of some 100+ attendees the odds that someone was not involved in some sort of "secret sin" was pretty slim- yet if congregations flourished the logical conclusion was that there was no secret sin and if a congregation was doing poorly (low meeting attendance/service hours/no new publishers) it MUST be due to secret sin (aka lack of holy spirit).
And of course the shunning policy just adds to the Jim Jones effect....
Obsession with anything that could be construed even remotely as demonic. Example we went to disney this year , the disney corp send out a guide to their parks its called .....
’the little book of magic’
its co ered i. Pics of mickey, cinderellas castle etc however my mother wouldnt even touch it due to the title she had decided i was i to witch craft.
Over the years they echucked perfectly good furniture and toys because they ‘made them feel odd so must be demonised’