What would you change?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    Cofty which organisation do you think is closer to the truth about the Bible than JWs?

    What you are actually asking is - which organisation that agrees with the way the JWs interpret the bible is closer to the truth?

    The bible does not present a consistent view of any major doctrine so it all depends on your preferences. JWs major on trivial things and miss the big picture.

    Specifically they have a view of Jesus that is at odds with the early church. Secondly the JWs story of the meaning of Jesus' death would be alien to them.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Sounds like your avoiding the question cofty.

    which organisation do you think is closer to the truth than JWs?

    for example Mormons? Catholics? Muslins? Jews? Protestant?

  • DesirousOfChange
    which organisation [sic] do you think is closer to the truth than JWs? ~ ExB

    Clearly, it depends on how you define "the truth". Or are you referring to "Da Troof" as JWs do? You must face the facts that "Da Troff" (what JW's state is true) is FAR from TRUTHFUL or FACTUAL.

    For starters: No Armageddon or Great Tribulation or "rapture" in 1914. Or 1925. Or circa 1940. Or 1975. Or by the conclusion of the 20th Century. ALL UNTRUTHFUL STATEMENTS or PREDICTIONS or PROPHESIES.

    And the list goes on.........and on..........and on..........just as do The Last Days. (Ya know why they refer to them as The Last Days? Because they last.........and they last.............and they last.......etc)

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    We are talking hypothetically

    if the universe had intelligent design involved and the Bible is the word of the designer then Jesus was his son, again hypothetically.

    who fits Jesus description of those who have love amongst themselves and who is closest to the Bible if it hypothetically is the word of the designer?

    I thought it was JWs even though they are certainly wrong about many things.

    Cofty thinks it’s not JWs it is another group and I have asked him several times which other group has love among themselves all around the world?

  • GrreatTeacher

    I don't believe Cofty thinks it is any other group.

    It's rather a moot point if the Bible doesn't represent anything like the highest truth about anything.

    Being "the closest" to something that isn't all that great is no award at all.

  • BoogerMan

    @ exBethelite noe PIMA - You asked, "Which other organisations have love amongst themselves as Jesus said would be his true disciples?"

    I would rephrase your question thus: "Which other organisation uses diktats, coercion & punishments to force its members to maintain a facade of unity of thought and love?"

    p.s. Without question!!!!

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yeah. Love is the last attribute that I'd think of to describe Jehovah's Witnesses.

    There's "love bombing" which is a fake show of love to get people to join or return, or even stay after being treated badly.

    There's also "enmeshment" which keeps everyone up in everybody's business which facilitates the snitching culture.

    Spend some time going down rabbit holes learning about these concepts. They both figure prominently in relationships with Narcissists. And Narcissists are all about control, control, control. Not a healthy relationship at all.

    BTW, some people really miss the Enmeshment when they leave. It can feel like Unity or Real Love. But, it's not. It's a dependence on an unhealthy "everybody intimately involved with everyone else's business" relationship model that fosters unhealthy dependence and creates an environment where shunning becomes a true threat to what feels like someone's very existence. Not healthy at all. People who come out of the religion missing this are very damaged and find it difficult to live on their own without the unhealthy group.

    It's very common in unhealthy family dynamics.

    Love bombing features in abusive relationships in the Cycle of Abuse. It's the part of the cycle where after one partner gets hit or otherwise abused, the perpetrator realizes the abused partner might decide to leave, so they use Love Bombing to promise that they'll never do it again because they love them so much. When it works, the abused partner believes and forgives them, the relationship continues until the abuser again abuses and love bombing is deployed again and again to keep the relationship going.

  • PetrW

    To paraphrase Paul's words in Athens: God does not dwell in churches made by human hands.

    Yes, this may seem like a radical criticism of churches, but I simply see attempts to fix churches as a continuation of social utopia. Let's go and make our church work... let's go and build a tower so that if there's another flood, we can save ourselves...

    The hypothetical idea is possible, but the realisation is practically impossible according to the laws of sociology and psychology...

  • cofty
    Cofty thinks it’s not JWs it is another group and I have asked him several times which other group has love among themselves all around the world?

    I have not said any such thing.

    I agree with everything Grretteacher said about how false the so-called love of JWs is.

    They will literally treat you as if you are dead for a thought crime. Parents will cut off their own children and exclude their grandchildren from their lives. Parents will let their infant child die for want of life-saving medical treatment. They will allow pedophiles to carry on their evil crimes safe from the authorities because they value the reputation of their precious cult more than the safety of their children.

    If you think love can be built on a foundation of enforced uniformity of thought you are still under its spell.

  • fred1
    Tonus which other organizations have love amongst themselves as Jesus said would be his true disciples?
    It seems to many that JWs seem to be the closest to this, but if you have another organization that I’ve missed please tell me.

    ExBethelitenowPIMA: To answer that question properly a person would need to become familiar with other religions. Beyond what you are told by The Watchtower have you done adequate research on any other religion? If what you have done is read JW publications and listen to talks at meetings or conventions I would argue that is inadequate to determine if JWs have more love among themselves than other people do.

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