Come on Steel, don't get yourself all worked up.
I don't think it's that we are "as lazy about the bible as when" we were in. Truth is, I did deep digging into bible teachings once I left JW world. From there I realized that there were valid arguments on both sides of the "Is Jesus God" isle. Depending on what texts one uses, they can prove that Jesus is Jehovah, or not.
The same can be said about heaven vs earth, holy spirit an individual or not, hellfire or not, resurrection spiritual or carnal..and various others doctrines. The bible is just not clear about those subjects and either side could be proved depending on what verses one chooses to use.
Realizing this lead me to question if anyone can really ever know exactly what the bible really teaches about any of these subjects.
Regardless of my beliefs, WT is wrong, I'm sure we can agree on that.