Remember the old governing body! R.I.P.
by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness 007
All died of old age never seeing the 1914 generation armagedon. Some were 100! Bethel life no kids, taxes, all taken care of by our generous contributions.
I kept records of age since they at the time were "the generation" that would bring in armagedon....did not work out well for me.
A Rogues Gallery if ever there was one ! all those men have Blood on their Hands ! The dreadful J.W Doctrines and practices, such as the Blood Doctrine and Shunning have been responsible for many thousands of deaths over the last many decades.
And yet, seeing the Pics. is triggering pleasant memories for me, of the good times I had as a JW, growing up with JW friends and having a great time socially.
Yes, the photos do trigger memories.
Missing. Ray Franz - A very sincere guy who always asked questions about; "the friends outside", preaching effectiveness, blood fractions, and Bethel butchering practices. A hospitable human who had small spaghetti dinners in his apartment with rank-and-file Bethelites.
E. Chiity, who hung out on the Squib building roof in a throng working on his suntan. Asking passing Bethel boys to rub suntan oil on his butt. lol. :) (I declined).
"Cranky ass" Jaracz. Booming orders.... unless he was asking for money. He never returned Mom's 5 figure loan.
Dan Sydlick. Another cranky ass. Neighbor and table head. Always asking questions, and puzzled when he got an unvarnished reply. lol.
I knew (even as a kid) that Bethel was weird, that’s why I never aspired to go there.
One lad I knew came home for a visit to his parents, and said to me in a disappointed voice "There is nothing Spiritual in Bethel ", how different from how J.W's imagine life in Bethel to be !
They are not providing very good direction to the Borg from their heavenly thrones. WT is losing one lawsuit after another and (hopefully) being bled dry.
lol, Syd. Ewart Chitty bang bang...I still can't forget that gem. His scrawny old body in his itty bitty thong. Enough to burn a hole into your eyes. Gaggggg !!!