Money woes show it ain't the truth

by OnTheWayOut 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cappytan
    Cognac: Wouldn't the 375 mil be held in escrow until the sale completes?
  • cognac

    That's what I would of though. That means come 2017 they are going to have 375 mil freed up..

    I did hear that they were able to start utilizing 4 of the properties late 2013. Wouldn't that have freed up a good portion of it then?

    Sorry, not sure how this works.

  • punkofnice
  • OnTheWayOut

    cognac, cappytan: maybe we will never really know the details on their sales and money deals.

    Thanks Punk of Nice.

  • cognac
    OTWO - I was hoping that there would be some normal type of protocol, idk...
  • Vidiot

    The thread subject reminds me of another little epiphany I had towards the beginning of my fade...


    ...I had realized that the WTS had - repeatedly over the years - fought to protect itself.

    Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be particularly significant, but it occurred to me that if a religion felt that compelled to fight so hard for its own survival, it must (at least on a subconscious level, regardless of how certain its members are of its legitimacy) feel that that survival must therefore be at risk.

    However, if it were truly "God's Earthly Organization", it should not feel this way.

    In fact, the thought should never even occur to such an Organization (consciously or otherwise)... it should, in fact, feel completely at ease and confident in its survival, no matter what.


    The simple fact that the WTS fears for its own survival suggests that its survival is, in fact, at risk.

    And if its survival is at risk, it therefore cannot be "God's Earthly Organization", because if it really was, nothing could truly threaten it.

  • cognac
    Good point Vidiot. However, they'd argue that if they didn't fight to survive, they'd be putting God to the test...
  • punkofnice
  • Vidiot

    cognac - "...they'd argue that if they didn't fight to survive, they'd be putting God to the test..."

    Oh, I'm sure they would.

    Of course, the same could be said if they did fight, because by doing so, they'd be demonstrating a lack of faith in his ability to protect them. :smirk:

  • sparrowdown
    Well, with faith being such an exact science and all, if they go under it shows they are chosen because they are being "persecuted for my sake" and if their shameless "show me the money" stunt works then they are chosen because Jehovah saved their asses from the fiscal abyss.

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