The boy who came back from heaven (the book), a hoax.

by James Mixon 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    What is more likely - That a little boy went to heaven and saw Jesus and Satan, or that a little boy lied?

    What is more likely - That a virgin gave birth, or a Jewish girl lied?

    etc etc etc.

    By definition a miracle is the least likely explanation for absolutely everything.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Thanks LisaRose, I didn't realize that two young boys talk to Angeles...

    Yes I see, Colton was 4 year old when he spoke  with the Angeles. 

  • Daniel1555

    About what boy or book you write?

    There is "Heaven is for real" with the boy Colton Burpo. He was 4 when he had his near death experience.

    Then there is another boy, Alex Malarkey, whose father wrote a book about his heavenly experiences. This book could very well be a hoax as it is so full of christian propaganda.

    In your thread, please be specific about what you state.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Sorry for the mix up..Tyndale House a major Christian publisher, has

    announced that it will stop selling "the Boy who came back from

    Heaven. By Alex Malarkey and his father K. Malarkey.

  • JWdaughter

    I remember when I first heard it mentioned with the name and I figured it was a parody or a joke for awhile (I hate those kind of stories-heaven, hell, ghosts, angels, limbo stories, whatever-its all malarky!) When I realized they were seriously trying to say it, I just figured its another person taking advantage of gullible people. 

    I believe in God, and I believe in heaven. I don't believe those people's stories for half a minute. Sometimes they are heartwrenching and you WANT to, but the exact part of my gut and my brain that DOES believe in a creator rejects those stories reflexively because I see them as cries for attention (which this was, coincidentally).  Surviving a horrible accident or tragedy is amazing enough to get my attention and empathy. Tall tales, not so much. 

  • cofty
    I believe in God, and I believe in heaven. - JWDaughter

    And you believe that every single person on this forum is going to hell don't you?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    My grandmother was about 5 when she had a vision of angels going up to God. She was suffering from a near fatal infection of Yellow Fever with a high temperature. These 'visions' are nothing more than the feverish creations of a traumatized brain. They are common particularly in hospitals.
  • Witness 007
    Witness 007
    Easy to go to heaven or hell in your own mind.
  • sparrowdown

    I started a thread about the movie Heaven is for Real movie, had no takers though.😥

    The movie seemed far fetched and convoluted.

    I remember as a kid the sunday school teacher telling me the streets of heaven were paved with gold, and even my tiny tiddly-peep brain thought " WTF!"

  • OnTheWayOut

    Cofty, I don't think the Jewish girl lied about how she got pregnant.  Some writer made that up years later just like Alex Malarkey's story was made up.

    I could possibly do very well writing one of these books myself if I ever came out of a coma.  "From A Cult to Atheist to a Conversation with Peter at the Pearly Gates and Back to Earth to Write about it."  That's a bit long.  Maybe "Believer-Nonbeliever-Second Chance"  I will get my inspiration from making it up.

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