In philosophy, they are not. Teleology anyone?
I didn't mention philosophy.
However, calling "how" and "why" the same question - is Begging the Question (gently, I'll grant), in this context.
Your answer assumes that there is no greater "Why", that there is in fact no purpose
It isn't and doesn't. Begging the question, is it's true form, is to reach a conclusion based on an assumption that needs as much proof as the conclusion. It is a form of circular reasoning. My answer didn't reach any conclusion, it's simply stating a fact of how science works, not assuming that there is no purpose or greater why. Should there be evidence that there is a "greater why" that "how", science will adapted evolve to handle that. As of today, however, there is zero evidence that such a thing exists.
"How" and "Why" may very well be the same question in science, but that is hardly what the OP meant (the opening statement contains the claim that science cannot answer the why).
Regardless of what he meant, he was wrong.
Science avoids anything of a teleological bent, or reduces it to metaphor. To answer a teleonomic question with anything that begins "In science", is to dismiss the actual question being asked.
The OP didn't ask a question, he made an incorrect assertion. Far from dismiss a question, I corrected his opening, incorrect premise.
Perhaps you should discuss what I actually wrote instead of construct a faulty argument around what you mistakenly think I wrote.
I don't think I put words in your mouth that were not there. 'Though if correction comes, corrected I will stand.
You're standing corrected.