I recall the term "New System." In the 90s it seemed there was an attempt to add "New Order," but it never really caught on. "New World Order" is a term used in conjunction with a globalist agenda to have a one-world government.
What happened to the "New World Order"?
by stuckinarut2 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Charles Gillette
Also, whatever happened to the 'TM' trademark, Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom.
Company servant...congregation servant...presiding overseer...coordinator....they consistently change terminology and at least in part it shows who is keeping up with that grand celestial chariot...you are considered spiritually weak if you are using old terminology....the ever changing pure language...gotta keep up with the latest.....
The term "new world order" is not used by the WTS in their publications except when quoting non-jw sources. It is either "new world" or "new order." I can't say if individual jws erroneously used "new world order"
Most of the jw's I know use the term "the paradise" referring to the 'new world'. Not quite as culty!
just saying!
Fred Franztone
The only terms I ever heard were 'new system' and 'the paradise', both of which sound like some kind of creepy ethnostate.
I believe Blondies right. The term new world order denotes a kind of dystopian future and is similar to terms Watchtower used such as New system, paradise earth, New world and New order. Whereby dubs, probably recalling New world order in literature and popular culture, conflate the two terms Watchtower did use New world and New order.
I find that It's a quite scary term, personally, and it conjours up lots of images of violence and intimidation. I never liked it so I don't know if I suppressed the memory of i that It's a quite scary term, personally, and it conjours up lots of images of violence and intimidation. I never liked it so I don't know if I suppressed the memory of it - Diogenesister
Oh they definitely used it. That's why I tried to humorously associate it with new world gas stoves because we had one in our kitchen when I was a child. I looked at it and saw 'new world ' on it and thought, how strange that's what we believe is coming soon. You see white goods have a lot to answer for!
Ronald Reagan President at the time he gave the speech used the term "New World Order" he must be the original "conspiracy nut" who coined it and didn't Bush 1and 2 use it on occasion also.
WT was ahead of the conspiracy "nut" curve then with all their New World this and that.
Btw George Orwell used it in fiction POTUS RR was serious.
The only New World Order I like. They're still around (Couldn't resist posting this once I saw the title of this post. Carry on with the more meaningful conversation guys)