So what do us crazy Canucks do when it is too cold outside -32 degress celcius. -25 F. U.S. language.
We do indoor activities like making perogies. Today we have peeled 20 pounds of potatoes, shredded six pounds of cheddar cheese, and have made the dough out of 24 cups of flour, 6 containers of sour cream, etc.
Geez what the hell are we thinking we'll be pinching (and of course drinking alcoholic beverages to get through this) into the wee hours of the morning, but we'll have dozens and dozens of them. Naturally we're not doing this alone, another couple we've made friends with since we've left the borg are joining us in this perogy making spree.
My husband wants to go out and buy a Honky Bills perogy maker. I told him no way we'll do it the old fashioned way, the way my babas (grandmothers) would do it.
Calamityjane and xjw_b12