A recent experience was given at the meeting about how a faithful sister deemed her commitment to auxillary pioneer as being so important, that even after her 5 year old daughter rather suddenly died, she kept her promise to auxillary pioneer, just 2 weeks after the child's death. The congregation generally was impressed with this sister's experience and many expressed their admiration for this sister, who has since become a regular pioneer ( for over 20 years).
5 Yr. Old Daughter Dies But Mom Still Aux. Pioneer
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
i think its just a question of time before she has a nervous breakdown....well done to her for burying her head in the sand, not.
that just shows how far brainwashing can go. it can shut down normal emotions. imagine the congregation bragging about that. the poor sister is just on automatic pilot. like we all were but were lucky enough to escape.
This elder's wife is the essence of tranquility. She has helped dozens to come into the "truth'. Their is no concern that she may get a nervous breakdown. She is considered a "model", just like Christ.
She is considered a "model", just like Christ.
yes i can believe it! maybe nearly on a par.
Having been in her situation and had the loving brethren approach me in my grief, my heart goes out to her. That "When a Loved One Dies" brochure is one of the most putrid, evil, obnoxious documents I've ever had the misfortune to have shoved in my face. One of the gems of advice in that Devil's-document: you shouldn't grieve too much; alllowing to much time for grief can interfere with the worldwide work! *#%$ing Bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a nice hot little corner of Hell waiting for the creators of this moral pollution, let me tell you!
Hello minimus,
thanks for sharing this ...extremely sad story.
It show what happens when you're no longer
I do agree with Sheryl:
"...it can shut down normal emotions.
Imagine the congregation bragging about that.
The poor sister is just on automatic pilot."
Just adding...how long before she'll come to her
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
That's unfortunate this sister is not allowing herself time to grieve. Pioneering is only putting it off.
Poor little child - I'm really sorry she died so young and was forgotten so quickly.
Anybody seen "The Stepford Wives" lately?