Witnesses are enwrapped in a cycle of fear. "What if?" .....somebody gets stumbled, misunderstands, or disagrees? " What if?"...they tell on me, ridicule me or judge me? Sad to say, JW's share the common bond of FEAR. Many persons feel the need for acceptance. If the group of "friends" that they have suddenly look at them as being less than spiritual, that "friendship" can disappear overnight! For the most part, JW's are petrified to rock the boat, to be shunned, to be treated as a "marked" one. There is clearly a pecking order that exists in the "Christian" congregation. The fear factor is undoubtedly there. It exists. It is real. That is why Witnesses are always worried. They're worried about the "end". They are worried about whether they can measure up. They worry about whether they'll make it in the new system. They are fearful that they will never be good enough to be accepted by the congregation and God.....Jehovah's Witnesses are always afraid. This religion, this "way of life" is so sad.
Jehovah's Witnesses And The Cycle Of Fear
by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends
They live a lie and wont except the REAL TRUTH FROM THE SCRIPTURES.
They have allso rejected jesus christ & placed the society in his place,therfore they are not serving jehovah
Yet they are adults responsible for the death of there familys,
its so sad.
they fear giving honest answers to what seems to them questions that would give the game away. i told an elder once that i have views that are against WTS teaching. he said that was fine as long as i didnt go around talking to people about it. i asked him, "what if they ask me what my views are?". he just looked at the floor an wouldnt give me an answer.
I would say their biggest fear is to have independent thought . They are conditioned that to say and do things contrary to the views of the organization is a satanic attempt to steer them away from God himself . Religionists have used this kind of thinking since prehistoric times often resulting in some kind of punishment that dehumanizes the transgressor. It is so pitiful when I see this in action.
It is a religion based on fear. Of course, we weren't told that, in so many words. But I, at least, was (and still am) terrified that Jehovah really hates me. I -still- live in fear. I don't know how to change that. As a former Catholic, I was taught that God would destroy me (by letting me get hit by a car - that was usually the way the Catholic God did it) if I did something wrong, like not wear my scapular or pray the rosary.
As a JW, I was told that the "truth would set me free". For all the "truth" in the WTS, it really didn't set me free. I was scared to death. And still am.
Will Power
I think people are afraid to die.
JWs are told that if they stay JWs they won't die
If they think about leaving they know they'll die.
Since they are afraid to die, they stay JWs.
The only thing that breaks the cycle is to realize that this printing company who makes million$ & million$ (941) cannot grant you the wish of immortality, no matter how many coats of sugar are applied.
Beryl darlin' whatever would we do without you? Don't you know that Jehovah isn't real? He's just an idea about who and what God is that was dreamed up five thousand years ago and hasn't been updated to even what Jesus said he is.
So many people are so afraid of this fictitious divine wrath, and it really makes me very sad to see it in action. The Master tried so hard to change the idea of who and what God really is in the minds of the people, but supersitition and fear die hard.
But think about it. First God was in every natural phenomena, and humans worshipped everything they didn't understand in nature: tornados, volcanos, lightening was always good, eclipses of the sun and moon, orgasms (which is why there's such an aura of no-no about sex in religion to this very day). Then Moses, finding this terrible situation, introduced a higher concept of God and this was fine for hundreds of years. But by the time of the minor prophets, "Jehovah" had gone from being a God of only Isreal, to the God of ALL nations. Jerimiah was thrown down a well for daring to assert this enlarged truth about the Father. So we see the people's idea of God was changing; changing from that of angry, thundering judge-accountant of Sinai, the God of only Isreal, to the God of all nations. Then Jesus came and revealed God as Father. Loving Father. Loving Father of each of us. Including you.
And you are unique. There's not another copy of you anywhere in all the entire wide universe. You were unique among all life the instant you were born. You are still unique today. In fact, the universe can never be - could never be - all that it could be unless you are to be in it. Without you, the entire universe would never be the same place. So why would the Father taught by the Master want to do you in? Or do without you? The life of the universe as experienced by God would never be the same, or as good, without you in it. I think God has every reason to make absolutely certain that you are here on this world, and in this universe from now until time eternal.
So what's to worry? I think the same thing about me and my life; about Stinky and her life and her husband's; about Joelbear and his, Valis and his, Simon, Ang, Venice, Mulan, Princess, all of us and all our lives. All God's chillun gotta have life and he's going to make sure we keep it throughout the eternity of all future time. So...unlax will you? You make me nervous with all this talk about how God's gonna getcha. He's gonna getcha alright, he's gonna getcha to come to where He is and we all will be and then have a great party of some sort. You can take it from me it's so. I got it from an unimpeachable source.
I think Jehovah is real.
Minimus, you are such a big kidder.
AND, you're going to scare beryl half to death with your witty repartee.
R—REALUsually a person has more faith in their fear than faith in their future.
--Doug FirebaughA man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
--Michel de MontaigneWe have nothing to fear but fear itself
--Franklin D. RooseveltLove is always creative, fear always destructive.
--Emmet FoxYou can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
--Eric HofferHow much do we lose when we fear to lose anything
--Howard J. LancetA life lived in fear is a life half lived.
--Spanish proverbYou don't face your fears, you stand up to them.
--UnknownFear not that your life will someday end. Fear only that you do nothing with it.
--UnknownAnything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death.
--Betty BenderThe key to change . . . is to let go of fear.
--Rosanne CashI must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain
--Frank Herbert, DuneMatthew 10:26
26 Therefore do not fear them; for there is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered, and secret that will not become known.