Lets see now, I'm no saint. But I'm not sure how I would get lower than these actual cases of still-active JWs:
- The elder that decided that he loved his best-friend's wife better than his own. That caused two split marriages, affecting five chiildren directly. I've never done anything that bad.
- The MS that was raping his teenage daughter after mummy went to bed. His wife defended him - didn't even think he should have been disfellowshipped - he was repentant you know.
- The brother that molested my friend's daughter.
- The elders that asked my friend to keep it within the congregation - yup, don't go to the police.
- My one-time friend that agreed, but protested agressively ... by moving to another cogregation
- Okay, I did do some naughty stuff - but the worst of it was while I was still attending. And I swear, that CO's wife came on to me - she paid for the room - I didn't have that kind of money at 19. That one never found its way to a JC, I wonder why ... hmmmm. Now that I think of it, (and not too proudly, by the way - it was a long time ago) any married women I ... was naughty with ... were elder's or MS' wives - while I was still trying to be a good little dubbie.
Its a little cleaner here on the outside.