Tat.........you don't send one my MY husband...well ok soon to be ex husband ..but still...I am deeply hurt and offended... but I am not judging you..are we clear on that??? BAD WOMAN (oh did I post that outloud???)
Marcos...you kill mice with a FLY SWATTER??? You know they call it a *FLY* Swatter for a reason. So how do you do that anway???...no no I don't want to know (visions of squashed mice dancing thru my head now)
uuummm ok bigboi...tell you what I will just let riz handle this one...but hey thank you for sharing Take it away rizzzzzyyyyy oh wait you already did...nevermind
ROFL Ang...aaahhhhh the wages of sin (nodding head sagely)...at least *I* never get caught
Lyin I must confess to having given the three finger salute once or twice when in my car....why do all the stupid people seem to be on the road the same time as me? And usually when I am late for work??? Coincidence or conspiracy....you decide!
BG DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN... so uuummm we are cool, right????? Cause I sure as heck don't want you mad at ME!
Come on Alan, NO secret sins????? Not even a teeny tiny one?
Ed a man after my own heart...I mean it saves having to wash a cup right???
Robdar I must confess I do the same with the whipped cream...I mean it IS a milk product, right??? ergo you must also partake of it out of the original container...BUT CHEESE WIZ??? Come on that isn't even real cheese..it's WIZ man(which btw just sounds gross all in itself)...for THAT my friend you must be spanked roundly...there can be no forgiveness for eating WIZ.....
*sigh* so much sin...so little time....