"So that we will not be confused with salesmen, it is best not to mention the donation arrangement unless we are asked how our work is financed."
This damning quote is found on page 1 of the September 2015 Our Kingdom Ministry, the last sentence in the 3rd bullet point under the sub-heading How to do it. This quote amounts to an implicit admission that the JW practice of mentioning the donation arrangement to householders at the door, makes them look like door to door salesmen.
Why would "Jehovah's Organization" be engaging in a practice that is nothing more than a transparent attempt at undercover soliciting? Why are they engaging in a practice that they know full well makes them look like door to door salesmen - especially in light of what 2 Corinthians 2:17 saying:
...we are not peddlers of the word of God as many men are...
When a JW goes out of his way to mention the voluntary donation arrangement just at the point that the householder accepts the literature, and thus serving as a means of subtly soliciting money from the householder, can he honestly say that he is not peddling Watchtower literature?