More money for the dubs

by SadElder 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    500,000 seems low to me too but it’s still a $500,000 profit

    youre on to something there--the watchtower can have a fire sale of KH's and any money they get is a profit--dont forget the human congregation will still be paying the mortgage donating

  • HappyDad

    That is the KH I used to attend. I even helped to build it back in 1989-1990. It cost $90,000 to build. Our old congregation donated money for years into the building fund and we were so happy when it all came together. Then what did the exalted poobahs of the WT society decide to do? They merged another KH into ours and not one single penny from their own building fund was donated. The money they had saved up was given to the sister KH that shared their building. A lot of us were pissed but being good JW's, we had to stifle our feelings. I left that congregation in 1997 and went to another. It wasn't too long after that when I was totally awake and left for good.

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