I was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade. I read the wt and I just can't stomach going...
what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only Jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true Christianity. Instead, it will be an opportunity for all true worshippers to prove their love for Jehovah and to support the anointed.
.......God’s people will boldly declare a strong message of judgment that will affect all people.
I literally feel like a panic attack, sickness at the thought of attending a meeting where the worshippers support the 'true hope' that 99.9% of all humanity will soon die, whose carcasses will be picked by birds! I can't believe I used to 'rejoice in the hope' when what it is really is a message of horrible death and destruction of innocent men, women and children.
i can't sit there and listen to people answer up excitedly that they are looking forward to their imminent deliverance when it means that their neighbors and their children can look forward to a horrible death.
does anyone else have a similar emotional reaction to this 'good news'?