What if.... The so-called Tribulation means Distress and is Great only in the sense of Duration, having ran uninterruptedly for nigh on 2000 years?
What if....The so-called Last Days commenced at Pentecost and has also been running uninterruptedly since?
What if....The so-called Signs Of The Last Days are the very non-signs Christ Jesus warned NOT to be decieved by?
What if....The ONLY sign he gave is that recorded at Mat24:29?
What if...That Sign means the passage into our solar system of a large brown dwarf star, and this star is a regular intruder, on a course between earth and sun?
What if....This brown dwarf star has been observed in history and is recorded in the myths of many tribes and is alluded to in scripture?
What if...This star has previously been known as, The Sundisc, Phoenix, Celestial Snake, Qetzalcoatl, PlanetX, et.al?
What if....The corporate WTS has long known about this regular intruder comet via its occultic founder and its contemporary Illuminist executives willfully withold this and other items of information from its religious membership?
What if....This brown dwarf is incoming now and according to some scientists should arrive somewhere between 2003-2012?
What if....This event is harbinger to the next major event: The Second Coming?