Being ever ready to note information that demonstrates Christian idiocy in general and JW idiocy in particular, I was interested in news of this particular research that has been doing the rounds of science oriented news sources this week.
Christianity in general and JWism in particular, have viciously persecuted same sex attracted people, thus demonstrating their peculiar hypocrisy. Most Christians (the JW brand and other brands) squeal like a speared pig when they suffer any treatment that they call persecution, but are always willing to persecute same sex attracted people (and anyone else that stands outside their narrow-minded vision of the world).
Most same sex attracted people will testify that their romantic attraction to the same sex was not a clear cut choice, but was something they grew up with. (Gay by nature). But evidence that same sex attraction is an innate desire has not been clearly established. Now from the study of epigenetics comes this news, (I've selected the Science Daily version).
Epigenetic algorithm accurately predicts male sexual orientation
Date: October 8, 2015
Source: American Society of Human Genetics
Summary: An algorithm using epigenetic information from just nine regions of the human genome can predict the sexual orientation of males with up to 70 percent accuracy, according to new research. Beyond the genetic information contained in DNA, the researchers examined patterns of DNA methylation across the genome in pairs of identical male twins.
- Most readers of this site have a reasoned tolerance of same sex attraction. Only a few conflicted individuals seem willing to dispute that tolerance these days. They are usually dealt with swiftly, which is I suggest not the best way to deal with what is almost certainly a personal, inner conflict with their own same sex attraction.
- But whether tolerant or conflicted I think most will be interested in the process by which certain genetic information is used or not used as an individual develops to maturity.
- More information at: