It has a great ending.
I didn't watch very much of the story at first but got hooked on watching the last 3 or so episodes just to see who would end up with this guy and to hear what the twist to the story was.
by WildHorses 17 Replies latest jw friends
It has a great ending.
I didn't watch very much of the story at first but got hooked on watching the last 3 or so episodes just to see who would end up with this guy and to hear what the twist to the story was.
I confess, I watched it.
Thunder and I both loved the ending, I loved how catty Sarah got LOL
I watched. I was not impressed, they should have given him 50 million. They were saying on some talk show that the FOX network made about 100 million in advertising off the show.
Well I guess the French girl story was alot of hooey,LOL!..He chose Zorra....But wait,it ain`t over folks.Next week it`s:"Joe Millionaire the Aftermath"..Do Evan and Zorra stay together?..What did they do with their cash $500,000.00 each?..Will Zorra keep working with old people?..Will Evan take a job as ring master in a Mexican sex circus?..Oh the questions that will all be answered next week....LOL!...OUTLAW
Outlaw LOL ! Maybe they should remane the show: JOE 1/2 a millionaire.
The ending blew!!!! Some big twist aye? Blah.....
Fun thing is I go to an all female gym. At 6:00 the place was packed. At 7:15 (same time I left, I know I'm lame) The place cleared out, and was a virtual ghost town
I couldn't be bothered watching a bunch of shallow minded, dogs in heat, getting it on. Seems like when a network stoops to an all time low they scarp the bootom of the barrel.