Exactly Finkelstein - She doesn't come off as evil and empty headed as her husband, but she's the only First Lady whom we have seen in the nude. Many of her pictures were published from when she was modeling . A schoolmate of mine, Russell Simmons, used to be quite close with Trump (some of you have heard of him, some of you have not I'm sure) he has said in more than one interview that he was there when Trump first met Melania. He's also tied up in some sexual abuse cases just like Trump, so they were hanging out back in the day chasing after the same thing. That's why we will never here the story that we've heard from all the other POTUS of how they met their wives. Trump's love story involved a phone call and a credit card number.
What Is Your Opinion Of Melania Trump?
by minimus 143 Replies latest jw friends
Trump’s love story involved a phone call and a credit card number.... How do you know this Shirley?if you don’t answer me as I think you should it will tell me everything about who you are.😎
Aw, minimus! How am I gonna get any sleep with images like that bouncing around in my head?
Trump's abuse cases involved women making serious bucks off of him -- better than how most women end up giving out sex (ummm, sorry, I mean love) empty handed - idiots!
I don't believe any of the abuse rhetoric ShirleyW so prove it. Public info about Ole Hil and Dirty Bill but get the facts on Trump - huge difference.
Thank goodness we have no nude pix of Ole Hil - or Michelle -- just corruption. Can't imagine beautiful Melania ever stooping to such degrading levels.
As an artist -- the human body/life form is beautiful. She clearly is human. High school art students draw the nude body -- big deal.
Why don't you prove she posed nude? Is this more demo-rat hype -- and if she did so what. Ahh, she's the first lady and the Democrats have a code of morals and that's a bozo no-no -- since when!
It’s easy to assert something. It’s easy to say I think such and such but PROVE IT!
When they cannot prove it they cry scream and get all emotional and if you question them further they place the woman card or race card etc.
When someone asserts and cannot substantiate, either let it go or admit that you cannot prove your point or.... maintain stubbornly your ignorance!
the girl next door
What exactly is wrong about posing nude? In Melania’s case she is a European model where nudity is not hampered by the puritanical ideals in the USA. They were artistic nude photographs.
Most romances involve phone numbers and cash flow.
Girl, I like the way you consider the big picture!
I really don’t like the judgmental views sometimes expressed.