JWs on the defensive on FS in the UK right from the introduction.

by Xanthippe 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Xanthippe

    My daughter's friend from university had JWs call on her this morning. They started off by asking her if she knew any witnesses. Then they said you may have heard things about us but it's not the way it sounds!

    That's the weirdest intro I've ever heard. I wonder if this is the official advice from the branch as outlined in the KM and discussed at the meeting for FS.

    According to people on here who are fading the UK JWs know about The Australian Royal Commission and of course there have been stories in the UK press and a recent documentary about child abuse in the religion.

    I suppose if people are constantly throwing it at them when they knock on doors they would be on the defensive.


    My daughter's friend from university had JWs call on her this morning. They started off by asking her if she knew any witnesses. Then they said you may have heard things about us but it's not the way it sounds!

    .............Image result for Jehovahs witness logo...Image result for it wasn't me

  • username
    Problem is with an opener like that, one may as well give up because even if the householder has never heard of Jehovah's witnesses, you can be damn sure as soon as the JW's have gone, curiosity will have the householder hot footing it to the nearest internet enabled device.
  • Xanthippe
    When she said she knew a girl who was a JW when she was at school they seemed reassured that she hadn't heard anything recent about them. Then they went on to the usual loving message about how God will soon purge the earth of wickedness. Think they should remove the rafter from their own eye first.
  • Xanthippe
    Bumping to see if any Brits have been told about this FS intro.
  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Look on the last page of this download for the suggested presentation:


    But these quotes on the first page of the Watchtower that is being offered, speak volumes:

    “I had known Mike for years. He is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But his religion always baffled me. Who is Jehovah? Why don’t Witnesses celebrate the holidays? Was Mike mixed up in a cult?”—Becky, California, U.S.A

    “My wife and I thought that Jehovah’s Witnesses called to prey on our guilt feelings because we weren’t at church. And we figured that if the mainline churches didn’t have what we were looking for, a weird sect like Jehovah’s Witnesses couldn’t have it either.”—Kent, Washington, U.S.A.

    “I read a lot about Jehovah’s Witnesses on the Internet,” says Cecilie, quoted earlier. “I heard some rumors, and I listened to a great deal of prejudiced talk. As a result, I formed a very negative view of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Later, however, she spoke to Jehovah’s Witnesses directly and found satisfying answers to her questions.


  • sir82

    she spoke to Jehovah’s Witnesses directly and found satisfying answers to her questions.

    This just struck me.

    This is what JWs are selling - "satisfying" answers.

    Not "true", not "factual", not "verifiable" - but "satisfying".

    And that is why most JWs refuse to leave - the "true, factual, verifiable" knowledge of the real world isn't "satisfying".

  • Londo111
    Good point. The Watchtower is the master of spin...they'd make the most corrupt politician blush.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    That's funny, "You may have heard things about us".

    A guy comes home early in the morning from hanging out with his

    friends. He tell the wife, before you hear it from your friends let

    me explain what happen last night. That will get her attention, LOL.

    If I didn't know anything about JW that would get my interest, not

    a smart open line.

  • Vidiot

    At this rate, they'll be going door-to-door just to try and refute all the bad PR before too long*.

    "Good morning... we'd like to take a moment to (desperately) try and convince you that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't horrible people..."


    *Assuming they even keep doing it at all.

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