I definitely think Vanderhoven7 is winning this round with Fisherman.
When I was in I had naughty thoughts of either Jerusalem being babylon the great ,seems more logical for the people of the times and into the future.
The WTS points to the Religions of this world as BTG ,and says the Political system and the Financial system are a part of the triad of Satan ,but if you look at all of them they have always been whores as a triad. Why can't Babylon the great be them riding the world empire of ,say ,Science and technology ?
Surely Science and technology could be considered a great force and powerful giving the atom bomb and war tools that bring so much misery to so many people. Amongst them are brilliant minds but they can't seem to work out that they are whoring their skills for prestige and fame!
Some may defend them claiming they are saving many thru scientific discoveries ,but is this not just the make-up of a whore ,painting up something insidiously diseased to be attractive? (Oops maybe Science is Babylon)
OK so before you think I'm nuts ,I was trying to demonstrate how flexible the bible is to change any real truthful meaning, at least that was my own original thoughts ,not like the WTS and the likes of them stealing others religious ideas .