I've always loved this pic, not sure why, or even where I first saw it:
maybe cuz you just know it's kodachrome 64... one thing in life that technology really hasn't been able to improve. Paul Simon knows.
by LyinEyes 58 Replies latest social entertainment
I've always loved this pic, not sure why, or even where I first saw it:
maybe cuz you just know it's kodachrome 64... one thing in life that technology really hasn't been able to improve. Paul Simon knows.
Lyin, that pic of Louise Brooks reminds me of Isabella Rossellini (sp?)
Those are all wonderful pictures,,,,,,,,, the girl in the blue dress looks like she is so free.
Jo, that picture speaks many hard years on that womans face.
Those are tasteful nudes Sheila, very nice.
I saw this one in an art gallery in town,,,,,,,,
Here is a well know classic pic:
My favourite picture coz...when I was a kid...used to walk home by this old flintstone building in UK.....it brings back good memories for me!
san francisco at night
I love the Key West pic. I would love to be there. I've actually ordered this print. I think it's beautiful. I've always been fascinated with Stonehenge. A very curious place that I'd love to visit. This is during a solar eclipse.
Vincent Van Gogh "Starry Night"
I love the colors in this painting,,,,,,and the swirls of the clouds ...
This is the work of a good friend- Gary Walters and one of my favorites of his.