What other alternatives for the meaning of Babylon the Great ?
by enoughisenough 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought the reasoning sound as to the WT explaination of Babylon the Great, ( world empire of false religion ) but have any of you knowledge of other plausible explainations? or knowledge of other sources that are in agreement with WT? -
All the nations around old babylon, from Algeria, Uzbekistan tp Indonesia. truly great, a billion+, spread in all directions. but
Has fallen? had a fall ?
Even as bethelites , and -heavies could see the twin towers falling, collapsing, , brought down by those nationals, it must have dawned on them that babylon has not have a fall in 1918, when the "captives" were released.
Las Vegas! lol
"the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee, and all the high rolling merchants of the world weep at her demise" Rev 17 & 18
It is all just abstract fiction
WT should receive new light that the mysterious identity of "Babylon the Great" shifts & changes over time, just like wily "the king of the north"
Rome, I think, is the main one (built on seven hills, among other things)
I believe Babylon is the great city where Christ was crucified which presupposes an early date for the writing of Revelation.
Chime in with sbf, I think the traditional idea was that it was code for Rome. I don’t have my Barnes notes anymore, but I seem to remember that was his stand (1800’s thinking). -
I seem to recall from old literature, that in the early days of the Watchtower Organization, the Catholic Church was Babylon the Great. That seems to coincide with Rome being Babylon.
If their teaching was correct then their religion would be included in Babylon the Great, as many of their teachings have absolutely no scriptural support.
The description of Babylon the Great in Revelation could also fit the conglomerate of international business corporations.
According to my Zondervan's, most modern scholars agree that it is Rome.