If you enjoy cerebral work, check out 3D Printing. CAD courses can be taken, or you can probably find a local group who does it for fun and for work. People are very willing to share knowledge about what they love. I had a very well paid IT technician tell me that i could earn about $60-$80,000 annually ( with the right company ) if I became skilled in CAD, specifically Solidworks.
He has a nephew who dropped out of college because he was skilled with Solidworks and was hired. The company practically begged him to work for them because the whole 3D printing thing is the future. Of course, individual results may vary. Even so, these HUGE "wave of the future" leaps don't come around in every lifetime.
I have always worked in a physical job myself, so I KNOW about the aches and pains of repetitive use injuries. I am thinking of getting into this field myself, although I am just at the infancy stage in my research. I don't know if I will ever retire at this rate. my income depends upon my body holding out. Physical work is a perishable skill.