Duncan, your post is so well thought out and logical. About lions and even domestic cats. Without protein they would die! They cannot survive on strictly vegetarian and/or grain diets. I have five cats, and they thrive on protein - - that is, meat. The dry food I get them is expensive but so worthwhile! It is LOADED with chicken and salmon and has no grains in it. I don't see how cats could survive in a "new system or world" if they couldn't have meat for their source of protein. I hate to watch nature shows and see lions and tigers kill and devour animals, because I love all animals. So, I can't watch that stuff without changing the channel! Yet I know that it's a matter of survival for these lions, tigers, etc. to hunt and eat these animals. They are just doing what they have to do, need to do, to survive and to feed their young. Besides, they are magnificant and beautiful beings! Long may they live!! :-)
Brother Ted, Theocratic Economics and Card Run-outs
by Duncan 38 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Everyone,
I made this post 20 years ago. I thought for all the new folks who have come along since, it might be interesting..
Duncan Watford
Sea Breeze
Thank God... I thought there for a minute you abandoned this post! Guess you just got distracted for a bit.
Hi Duncan,
This was one of my favorite posts from years ago. Thanks for pushing it back to the top. The 'Great Uncle Jehovah' story and many others you wrote were also great.
Glad to know you're still kicking about. -
Sea Breeze
Hey Duncan,
A lot has happened since you've been gone in the last 20 years.
Scientists found out that cats thrive on vegan food.
There is a new Noah's ark exhibit where millions of people have gone to Cincinnati to check it out. Flood evidence rises.
Dinosaur soft tissue, protein, blood vessels are now regularly found and they, and lots of other stuff like diamonds date to only a few thousand years ago.
The basis of light and matter has been found to be information in the form of mathematical probability waves. As a result, traditional Materialists are getting about as hard to find as CD ROMs.
And more recently, it is looking like the Big Bang theory is in serious trouble with the recent findings of the amazing James Webb Space Telescope. Spiral galaxies are 10 times more prevalent in the early universe than previously thought and the linked to science paper starts with the word "Panic".
Neanderthals are more closely related to humans than two chimps are to each other! So, they are fully human.
And recently, Famed Cornell geneticist, Dr. Sanford lectured the prestigious Natl. Institutes of Health about the impossibility of evolution. He offers "rock solid" proof that even under the most generous circumstances of natural selection, an 8 letter genetic word would take many billions of years longer to evolve than the universe is currently imagined to have been here.
Isn't all this great news?
Hi Duncan! What a fantastic post! Really enjoyed itš¤Made me smile as I've been on a few cub & scout trips myself! We didn't get any beer or a beer tent though!!š¤Blimey......have to have a word with Akela about that!!!!
Wow, enjoyed that 20yr old post. I wondered about animal predation from before I was baptized as a JW. I so agree about, for example, lions. Their whole bodies and even metabolisms are geared for catching and eating other animals. Even though I. like The Old Hippie, wanted the JW paradise so much, I always had nagging doubts. There were so many things that just didn't fit - like, for example, even if we were perfect, our teeth would still wear out. You mentioned Jehovah's "special magic." I guess he would have had to use it on our teeth in the new world.
Sea Breeze:
I thought there for a minute you abandoned this post! Guess you just got distracted for a bit.
yeah, might've nodded off there for a while
Thanks everyone for the kind reception to this 20-year old re-heat.
Hi Duncan!
The last meaningful conversation with him must have been 25 years ago.
Man, I read that and just realized, that means it is now 45 years since that conversation. Time just slips through our fingers, faster and faster as we get older. I hope the intervening 20 years since the original post have been kind ones.