I'm not one for these subliminal images but it is isn't it? It's a giant knob.
Your donations at work: WT Farms “inspirational” corn maze
by betterdaze 21 Replies latest social humour
John Booth, Harlan Mathis, George Couch and Nathan Knorr must be spinning in their graves. What's next? Christmas decorations? This religion is struggling so hard to appear 'normal' that it is ridiculous!
They are at it again! From the Smithsonian-
".....Mazes have an ancient history spanning thousands of years—though the first mazes weren't mazes at all, but labyrinths, with a single winding path not meant to confuse or puzzle the way we think of traditional mazes. Labyrinths were first designed as spiritual journeys to guide the visitor along a single path, twisting yet serene. The first recorded labyrinth comes from Egypt in the 5th century B.C.; the Greek historian, Herodotus......"https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/winding-history-maze-180951998/
Captain Schmideo2
I notice there is no exit for this maze. Once your are in, you can't get out (especially if you were 'born in'.)
You're welcome stuck, I can spot a penis or as K99 said "a giant knob" at twenty paces.....oh no no no.... that doesn't sound too good does it...I'm really not....oh crap I'll shut up now.
History in the making: This is the closest JW organization will get to the crop circle craze.
Only to make theirs truly distinct, this field is officially called the Crap Circle.
Lost in the maize maze?! 🙄
Half banana
"Best life ever".....how can a JW know when it's the only lousy life he or she is permitted.....
Muddy Waters
Ha, I missed seeing this the first time round. But I can see that it’s supposed to be a man in a tractor, and he is waving... the two large circle things near the bottom of the picture are the tractor wheels. And you can see the barn (much smaller than the giant tractor) on the right, and rolling hills or plowed fields on the left, with some sort of fence on the left. I guess the best way of life is.... farming...?
Do you suppose they have another corn maze this year? Or are they too broke to create another one?