That is the name of the first article on the left hand of the page at
Interestingly, the article wants to lay the root of all mankind's troubles to Adam: "While generations of Adam's offspring are not responsible for Adam's sin, they nevertheless are all born with sin, imperfection, and death as their inherited lot." We are further told that Adam & Eve's sin did not originate in their genes. They learned how to disobey and sin because they chose to. On the other hand, if Cain did not inherit violence in his genes, we are not told how he learned to murder Abel--since no one had murdered anyone before. Nor are we told that Jehovah or Adam told him what murder was. Neither was he told not to murder and what would happen if he did. Since, according to Jws, "efforts to find genetic causes for human behavior have been unsuccessful," we are not told how all are born with sin, imperfection, and death as their inherited lot. Sounds a lot like the original sin doctrine. Because of Adam, we all get the shaft. But it's not passed on in the genes.
So anyone who is an alcoholic or homosexual need not appeal to genes as justification for who you are, according to this article. There is no such thing as predisposition to alcoholism and homosexuality. You're not born that way; you decided to be that way. Blame yourself and not your genes.
This article gives "An Encouraging Experience." It's about a guy, who in boarding school got involved in homosexual practices--but he didn't consider himself a homosexual. Yet after he finished school we find him still engaging in these activities while in the military. Apparently sometime after his term of duty was over he encountered Jws and began studying with them and eventually was baptized. He was able to break free of his practices and is now a ministerial servant.
Although this guy no longer may be actively engaged in homosexual activities, I wonder if his orientation has also changed (although he denies ever thinking of himself as being a homosexual). Even marriage doesn't prevent people from having proclivities towards homosexuality. The point of the article, however, is that he did what he did not because of his genes but because of his choices.
The bottom line of the article is that we are responsible for our decisions and actions. We can't pass the buck to our genes.
Is my understanding of this article accurate?
Please feel free to add your comments. This article is certainly worth dissecting.