FWIW -- Anonymous suggests North Korea will start WWIII before the end of this year

by kpop 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • kpop

    Yah sure. Like, they hacked the WTBS two years ago. That wasn't a total shit-show. I saw the documentary, they totally hacked evilcorp!

    Anonymous? Hacked WTBS? LOLOLOL! I don't think so! First of all, anyone can be "anonymous" and there's hundreds of hacktivists out there that claim to be. Some are. Some aren't. Secondly, the guys that are real Anonymous wouldn't waste two seconds with the JW cult. So yeah, fake.

    HAHAHA! Literally, rumors on the internet. From the biggest troll-central.

    As I said, surface yeah sure. This wasn't from the surface but they made a video.

    Cool, what is it in this case? Oh wait, it isn't the case that we are talking about rumored 'metadata' you can't show me to back up the rumors of war, made up by experts you don't know?

    I don't know. The info they collect is very real.

    Do you ever entertain the idea that they might be trolling you?

    There are no trolls below the berg only on the surface where you reside.

  • kpop

    Okay, so a guy you don't know makes claim on troll central, based on evidence ("metadata") you haven't seen, and you believe that to be true?

    Where the FCKK did I say it was true? I NEVER SAID THAT! You're a liar and the stereotypical west coast libtard, putting words in my mouth, twisting the things I said for your own agenda. You believe your own lies, don't you?

    No, I don't "tor", why should I? why is that relevant?. Guess I am not elite enough to download an installer from the internet and therefore your rumor is true ;-).

    At least you admit you don't tor which means then you can't get in. LOLOLOL so "tor is just an installer from the internet" now? Oh geeze! LOL This is getting good. Tell me MOAR!

    Like, someone would totally hack me?

    If this is similar to how they hacked the WTBS?

    Because that SuperEliteHaXoRExploit came down to posting addresses of kingdom halls to a pastebin...

    You wouldn't get hacked. Don't worry. Give it a try. Jump in. The water is fine!

  • bohm
    Anonymous? Hacked WTBS? LOLOLOL! I don't think so! First of all, anyone can be "anonymous" and there's hundreds of hacktivists out there that claim to be.

    But this guy on 4chan, and I am still not seeing any links, he is the real anonymous, and we know his method of using "metadata" (which you haven't explained yet and which I doubt you have the foggiest clue about) has been proven to work because...?

    This wasn't from the surface but they made a video.

    My dear, that proves it. He has elite skills that are at least equal to a teenage girl with a smartphone...

    I don't know. The info they collect is very real.

    Okay so you don't KNOW what the metadata is, but you KNOW it is real?

    Please explain how that works.

    Is is something like this: A guy TELLS you he/"they" are collecting "metadata", without giving the foggiest idea about what that means, and then he/"they" TELLS you they have a method for analyzing it that works but no proof is given, and then you repeat that?

    There are no trolls below the berg only on the surface where you reside.

    Did someone tell you that?

  • bohm
    LOLOLOL so "tor is just an installer from the internet" now? Oh geeze! LOL This is getting good. Tell me MOAR!

    You can download the client here:


    there is a readme you can read. it will tell you more.

    Where the FCKK did I say it was true? I NEVER SAID THAT! You're a liar

    Great. Then explain to me what this metadata is and how the method they use to analyze it work. If you don't know what the metadata is, or what method they use to analyze it, then I hope you will provide evidence (i.e. concrete evidence) of that unknown method actually working.

    I do machine learning research for a living so don't be afraid to get technical.

    You wouldn't get hacked. Don't worry. Give it a try. Jump in. The water is fine!

    I'd be delighted to try but so far you haven't provided any references to anything...

  • kpop

    But this guy on 4chan, and I am still not seeing any links, he is the real anonymous, and we know his method of using "metadata" (which you haven't explained yet and which I doubt you have the foggiest clue about) has been proven to work because...?

    First, this isn't just any guy. He's got a lot of cred. Second, there are no links I can post here LOL. If you even knew WTF I was talking about then you wouldn't ask for links! LOLOLOL Third, it's Anonymous, duh!

    My dear, that proves it. He has elite skills that are at least equal to a teenage girl with a smartphone...

    LOLOL Oh, I'm enjoying this! I should be out driving home but I'm enjoy this comedy. I'm like literally LMFAO!

    Okay so you don't KNOW what the metadata is, but you KNOW it is real? Please explain how that works.

    Did someone tell you that?

    I don't know it's for real but they don't put their cred up for nothing.

  • bohm
    Second, there are no links I can post here LOL.

    Well, I kind of gathered we would go there, but you can take screenshots, make copies of the pages, etc. etc. Remember I am the computer dufus and you are the totally elite operator of fsociety ;-)

    I don't know it's for real but they don't put their cred up for nothing.

    Okay, so after trading insults for half an hour we get down to this: There is literally no evidence for these claims?

    Having established that this is, literally, an anonymous guy saying something on the internet, let's move on.

    Does this guy have a verifiable record of predicting major world events using his method that I can see?

  • Simon

    I find the evidence clear and compelling ... (not)

  • bohm

    Simon: but you are on the surface... there is the berg, 100% troll free and accurate portion of 4chan... anonymous are not just script kiddies... sorry I can't provide any references for various reasons... look, they made a video. They wouldn't do that if it wasn't true.

  • kpop

    You can download the client here:


    there is a readme you can read. it will tell you more.

    Yeah, give it a try. Install it. See if you can find 4chan below the berg. Simon will thank me.

    Great. Then explain to me what this metadata is and how the method they use to analyze it work. If you don't know what the metadata is, or what method they use to analyze it, then I hope you will provide evidence (i.e. concrete evidence) of that unknown method actually working.

    I do machine learning research for a living so don't be afraid to get technical.

    I don't have the metadata. Got it? Anon posted some info a few days ago about it and made a video. It is that simple.

    I'd be delighted to try but so far you haven't provided any references to anything...

    Just install tor on your router and voila! You're in! No need to ask me!

    Having established that this is, literally, an anonymous guy saying something on the internet, let's move on.

    Good. Correct. You're right. I'm an idiot. Literally.

  • kpop

    I find the evidence clear and compelling ... (not)

    Geeze guys! I'm just posting a rumor. That's all! Forget I ever said anything. I'm sorry I ever started this thread..... no.... actually, provoking Bohm is kinda fun. ;)

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