I prefer to stay away from "ad hominem" ie not focus on the person but rather the message itself. I don't know Lloyd and certainly am not in 100% agreement with certain things but I still give his videos some attention and ones I do not want to view I simply avoid.
New Light on Sheep and Goats?
by notsurewheretogo 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Now they (in particular Kenneth Cook) are saying that Jesus will deliver the judgment at the Great Tribulation, but that he will do so on the basis of evidence and consideration of actions leading up to the Great Tribulation, just as a judge takes time to consider the evidence before delivering his judgement."
This is exactly what is taught now. That the separation is future but based on what people do now. The future separation is the judge deciding from the evidence of what the people do with the Bible truths that they hear now.
Great tribulación is about judgment of the slave class. Who is the evil and who is not. Who kept themselves awake or not. Also of false religion. If none of the different groups, that claim to be the good slave class, have kept themselves awake. Then probably all religious organization will be destroy.
eNow they (in particular Kenneth Cook) are saying that Jesus will deliver the judgment at the Great Tribulation, but that he will do so on the basis of evidence and consideration of actions leading up to the Great Tribulation
R: clearly said. and in a way wt taught that before this debate too. because:
The overlapping generation of anointed (Christ's brothers) will be gone to heaven at the onset of the Great tribulation. There they are out of reach to the benevolence of the [other] sheep, or the mistreatment by the goats. so:
how could they be be judged on actions during the GT?
A real new light would be to see how wt writers correct their error, of asserting that the overlapping anointed generation will pass away to heaven that soon, at the beginning of the GT. when
Jesus is said to have said that this generation will not pass away until all these end time things, like the greater than Deluge - scale destruction aka Armageddon occur.?
Look familiar?
Good point Jerryh. I doubt the current GB are aware of SDA “investigative judgement”, because I don’t suppose they spend a lot of time learning about other religious groups, or other groups in the Adventist family, or even their own history outside selective faith strengthening talking points.
It would be a bit pointless debating whether this is a big or a small adjustment. I perhaps doubt they even know how they’d classify it themselves. It wasn’t introduced in terms of “new light” as many recent changes have been, on the “faithful slave” and the “generation”. Maybe they will highlight it in a future article.
As I recall, a main driver, and effect of the 1995 change was that Watchtower wanted ordinary JWs to stop casually describing non responsive householders as “goats” while out in the ministry. And it had that effect because JWs stopped using that language at the time. I doubt JWs would resume casually calling people goats as a result of this change. It’s too understated, qualified, and ambiguous.
Anony Mous
It seems to me lately that this new light depends on which of the 7 is currently writing. It seems like sometimes details on what interpretation is used in talks or writing greatly depends on which of them is saying it.
This then leads to weird reinterpretations across those who are paying attention (a few exJWs and a few hardcore armageddonists) which are later “corrected” by reprints of old material.
I think there are simply too many drunk cooks in the kitchen and they’re just hoping their flock doesn’t notice too much discrepancy from year to year.
This then leads to weird reinterpretations across those who are paying attention (a few exJWs and a few hardcore armageddonists) which are later “corrected”
AM: of course, wt prided itself, and we oldtimers (90+) carried that dogma to the doors,trusting that we had the truth**, based on biblical correct doctrines.
Your claim to be the true religion stands or falls with proving that claim.
hence our preoccupation with exposing flaws in current wt teachings. to prod wt on their current calamities.
** until the "superior authority"" let god be true debacle, that proved that the churches were right, we wrong.
Lloyd’s videos are primarily aimed at those that are leaving or newly left, not to help those who have been out for years, the devil is in the detail, he does a fantastic job in this regard
maybe they will be geep and shoats from now on.
I think, “hick”AM3 “hick” has had a bit to much to drink.