How Did You Find This Forum?

by SpannerintheWorks 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    I found this forum whilst perusing the Panorama web site. The link is half way down on the right:

    Mind you, I can't believe that for two years I had overlooked JWD. What an ignoramus!

    So, how did you get here?


  • Englishman
    So, how did you get here?

    I was head-hunted.


  • SpannerintheWorks


    Are you a relation of Tony Blair? You do look a little bit like him. A...n...d..he's an Englishman (I think) as well!


  • dmouse

    I was pointed here by Farkel after H20 went pear-shaped.

  • Englishman

    A relation of Tony Blair?



    BTW, here I am with my private secretary..


    ..and I always wanted to see Queen perform..

  • happy man
    happy man

    this was a very difficult qestion, I hade think a lot about this topic, how did I find this site, as an ongoing wittnes, I dont now, I was loking forre JW sites all over and find this, Jehovas Wittneses forum, perfekt, byt it was something how not fitt inn, what was that?

    perhaps it was dark powers as take me to this place, but now it is like a poisoin, or perhaps like a drug, difficult to quite?

  • animal

    About a year ago, I was running Sons of Liberty Riders... and I was researching the death of a biker in California. In my search, I came up with a post on this site, and the rest is history. I read more, and stayed.. not to help with any issues, but rather for the people here with similar experiences and thoughts.


  • VeniceIT

    hmmm I don't exactly remember. H20 was on the fritz and going down for the week so I looked for some alternate sites, and was posting on Tishies with some of the folks from here as well. and can't rememeber how I found JWD, probably someone told me about it, sorry who ever it was hhehee. I know once I was here I pushed the site pretty heavy, I didn't want to lose my old posting buddies.

    Really sorry that seven006 found this site though I did all I could to prevent him from posting, but it just wasn't to be, please except my appology hahaha!!!


  • chachasmum

    I found this forum after watching a program called dateline. It gave silent lambs website, and from that i came to freeminds. I am soooo happy i did. Though i don't post often i read the threads everyday.

  • pr_capone

    I began doing a search on Yahoo for ex-jw in my town. I kept serching for any ex-jw's and I came across this forum! I began posting 5 seconds after I found it!


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