What is your worst fear?

by Scully 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    This is such an interesting thread. For a long time, I really did have the same fear as Scully. That something would happen to me and nobody would ever miss me. Or worse, not even care. But now that I've met Neil and married him, I don't really have that fear anymore. I have the security of our friendship that overcomes that fear. I know if I were to die, he'd miss me more than anything in the world.

    But now my biggest fear is losing him to a painful death. I would hate to see him in a situation where he didn't have full capabilities of his mind or body. I would love him more than ever, but I know he would hate to be incapacitated like that. I also fear the loneliness of being without him, should he pass before me. I've never really experienced a friendship where someone else truly completes me like he does. You know, you hear of those couples that have been married for 50 or 60 years and when one dies before the other, the survived one just withers away from heartache and loneliness. I imagine that to be me.


    I'm not sure I like this thread now that I think of it.

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