Cult and Sect

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I would like to know how you differentiate Sect from Cult. Where I learned the truth in Quebec, we used a french JW bible, and the word sect meant the wrong religion, or false religion, while Cult meant the pure and only religion.

    So the JW in french say they are a cult, meaning only true religion. In the bible "french version", they say that they are a perfect cult,meaning they have the truth.

    But here, back in english, you use the word cult as something bad.

    Can you explain the difference between both words.

  • JH

    I found the verse. James chapter 1 verse 27. In the french JW bible, it is written."Le culte qui est pur et sans suillure du point de vue de notre Dieu et pere le voici..."

    Translated in english:

    Here is the cult that is pure from the point of view of God.....

  • Marcos

    Hi JH,

    Apples and oranges, I know but, in Spanish "cult" (culto) has various meanings. The most basic are: "(well) educated", "cultured", "worship" and as a final entry, "cult (in the English sense).

    My understanding of the French text is "The worship that is pure and without spot (stain) from the point of view of our God and Father..."

    French is not my first language but the grammar and usage are very familiar.


  • Marcos

    I should add that "sect" (secta) is the word most commonly used here to denote a cult.


  • heathen

    The dubs here in the USA take the word cult as an insult and have a very obscure view as to why they aren't . According to the websters dictionary cult can be used for just about any organized group that is devoted to a specific idea or person or object . It also mentions a belief system that requires religious rituals .From what I have heard and read the Orthodox church of England was the first to coin the phrase in an attempt to defame people that rejected the teachings of the Orthodox church . People are forever trying to make up their own definition to suit whatever subversive ideas that come to mind. You hear the term high control group use alot around here ,I've also heard a term from TV shows that want to change it to suspension of reason and logic . Sounds to me some people should just go and argue with websters rather than try their own hand at word origins .lol

  • Gopher

    In the English language, there is a difference. SECT is not necessarily derogatory or bad, it is just one group that has split off from another. But CULT has the idea of extreme beliefs and following a human leader.

    Here are the primary definitions from the "American Heritage Dictionary":



    A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
    2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
    3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.



    A group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of certain refinements or distinctions of belief or practice.
    2. A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination.

    Hope this helps.

  • JH

    So if I follow James 1:27, in the french JW bible, the true religion is a cult.

    What is written in the english version, for those who have it? Do they use the word cult?

  • Marcos

    Yes, there is the problem of false cognates between the 3 languages. And, in the case of Spanish, I must say that the usage of the language varies greatly from one region to another. The Vox Espanol dictionary defines cult as:


    1 noun (gen) culto: (sect) secta: personality cult, culto a la personalidad.
    n cult figure ídolo . || cult film
    película de culto . || cult following seguidores mpl fanaticos .

    Which is not necessarily the same as local usage. The Spanish here is highly influenced by local, indigenous languages and usage. For example, many people in my area will "can I lend you some money" which actually means: "will you lend me some money". No joke.

    However, since French and English are much more consistent in usage, I would stand by the translation I made of cult = worship above.


  • Gopher

    Here is James 1:27 in the NW translation:

    The FORM OF WORSHIP that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.

  • JH

    Thank you everyone,

    So "FORM OF WORSHIP", is cult in french. Funny

    Cult in english=bad religion

    Cult in french=good religion

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