IRIDOLOGY- The Diagnostic Study Of The Iris---What Did You Think?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've read some books on this "science' and those that believe this practice are totally in support of the eye reader's ability to tell what is happening to the body.I believe in some chiropractic therapy but I do not subscribe to all of it. Regarding iridology, I think it's dangerous. Those that diagnose, have no real training. BLOODGUILT is what I think a person can have on their heads if they mis-treat a person because they really have no medical experience.Whether it be the eyes, feet or hands, etc. it's not what I would depend on to provide myself with the best medical care......btw, even fortune tellers and horoscope readers can be right, too.

  • Robdar

    Iridology is crap. Been there. Done that.


  • VeniceIT

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! No comment bwwhahaha hehehhehe


  • Mulan

    Ignorance. I am done on this subject.

  • rem

    Iridology is not at all 'proven science'.

    I think you have to cut and paste the last link into the browser since this board parses the URL unconventionally.


  • SusanHere

    Mulan is right...In the hands of someone properly trained, many alternative therapies are legitimate and of great benefit. Fakes exist in every field, but not everyone is a fake.


  • Robdar

    Do you think it is beyond possiblity that illnesses could be seen in the eyes?

    Yes, illness can be spoted in the eyes. They teach you what to look for in med school. And yes, a pregnant woman's eyes look different.

    But the people that practice iridology are not usually medical doctors. Not that that is a bad thing in some cases. It has been my experience that most people who say that they are experts in the practice are usually trying to sell you their herbs. Or their "black salve". Or anything that they may feel like bilking you with. The practitioners are usually not that qualified to practice either. There are not that many iridology certification classes in the US.

    Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it "hocus pocus".

    I agree but must add that even if it has some truth to it, it doesn't mean that it's not hocus pocus. That is how scams work. There is just enough truth included in the information so that it seems a possibility.



    Yes, I have read a little about Iridology.

    I remember one vitamin totting sister who was into alternative health. She went on to excess about eye colour and how you can tell much about a persons diet through their eyes.

    The thing that bugged me, was when I heard her make a common about eye colour. She said that the only true eye colours were: Brown and Blue.

    Mine: Green

    I never heard the end of it. Thought I was going to have to get an eye transplant, let me tell you. Anyways, this sister had brown eyes, and she was sick, ill, hurting and in pain 24/7. All those toxins working out of her body....for years on end.

    Gotta love that soup made from poison oak, balm made of pine sap, and oil of stinkweed.

    Blondie, when I read your post above, I cracked up. That was too funny .

    The only false eye colour I can recall, are red. Bloodshot from a night on the town .

  • Abaddon

    Iridology is a big fat unproven scientifically speaking. But then so is homeopathy, and I 'know' that works.

    I have a pet theory.

    I reckon we do have paranormal powers, or at least they will be paranormal until someone comes along and finds the right guage to measure if on. Weak, irratic, not easy to 'find' or 'use' as they don't have specific organs, but rely upon the brain alone.

    I think that many alternative medicines are just convenient focuses, sometimes of the 'doctor's' abilities, sometimes of the patient's, that allow these powers to be used effectively, and that eventually, just as lots of uneccesary process in sword forging have been eliminated (prayers, ritual purification, etc.) over time, so the uneccesary impedimentia at the moment needed to give the person the 'confidence' to espress a natural ability will be discarded.

    It's a theory, I have no proof, it's just something which vaugely explains a host of anecdotalaly verifiable human abilities that might exist.

    I also think that many people latch on to the foci, without having the natural talent, and are charlatans.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Do people who practice Iridology believe that the paterns and colors of the iris change? I'm asking...

    Wouldn't the patterns and/or colors have to change as a person moved from health into illness and back? If the colors and/or patterns didn't change, how would a diagnosis be possible?

    Yet we are told that the patterns of the iris are even more individualistic than fingerprints. That's one of the basic principles of eye-scan identification (another being the pattern of the retina on the inside of the eye).

    Imagine if I claimed to be able to perform diagnosis on the basis of fingerprints...

    I'm inclined to believe that iridology, like homeopathy, is a bunch of nonsense. Do we believe every snake-oil slicked salesman who comes down the pike with a good story? Maybe we do.

    The basic idea of homeopathy is that extremely dilute solutions of substances can have very powerful effects. It can be shown that in some doses of homeopathic remedies there is NO 'active ingredient' present. Following the theory of homeopathy, a solution with NOTHING in it should be the most powerful remedy of all.

    The Watchtower Society likes to call itself "the truth," but it has been said, and not without good reason, that in many cases The Watchtower Bible & Tracts Society has done irreparable damage to the critical thinking skills of those it has "helped."

    There is a big difference between food and the word "FOOD" written on a piece of paper.

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