It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Errr, I'm reading this and have a cup of brown fluid next to me. Check.
The World Trade Center and other acts of terrorism highlight the necessity for God to exterminate not only those behind these mass murders such as members of the Al Quaida Network but all evil individuals worldwide engaging in crime.
Golly, didn't you know there were bad people before 9/11? Where's your coffee? Or is it them being close to home that made you sit up and take notice? Or is death that way worse than death by starvation caused by 'evil individuals'? And are you postulating crime=evil. What about parking fines? Could you be a little more specific, or are you leading up to telling us god should kill everyone on your list of bad people. If so, how do you arrive at this list?
Forget the Watchtower Society's pet pieves about who is evil and who qualifies for destruction. We know that if they had it their way only baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing would survive.
Already forgotten them, I know what they'd like, your point is?
It is easy to get side-tracked on this issue by focusing on the false belief that only Jehovah's Witnesses will be spared in the coming apocalypse.
Errr, well, for those in the cult it is. I find is quite easy not to get side-tracked. You believe this Apocalypse is going to happen, don't you?
Why not instead acknowledge the simple fact that humanity is doomed to extinction without the intervention of a Higher Power to cleanse this planet of all vestiges of evil?
BIG assertion. Please provide proof. I want to make sure you're not one of those chaps it mentions in the Bible, that will come and say x, y, and z, and that aren't actually prophets but are just evil frauds. Not that I doubt you, but the Bible makes it quite clear you have to be tested as to your prophetic accuracy.
That means that if an Advanced Intelligence who finds mankind worth saving does not exist then intelligent life on this planet will likely go the way of the dinosaur.
Oh, god, you believe in aliens don't you?
What do YOU think about my comments? Do you believe that civilization can continue on this course without supernatural intervention by an Advanced Intelligence from deep space or beyond?
I think about you the same way I would think about anyone who starts blathering about alien intelligences killing evil people. WITH GREAT SUSPICION. Evidence please, or you are a false prophet.
Are you ready to accept the changes in your life that would have to occur if such an Intelligence saved humanity by exterminating evil individuals that are ruining life on Earth?
Funnily enough, 'evil' people are a problem, but some people who look to the skies for a solution, or who claim their actions are backed by the skies are easily as much of a danger to mankind than those who are merely evil. Complacency and indolence are evil too, when they allow people to assume they have no part to play in making the world a better place themselves because god/ET is going to kiss it better.