I got my first teaching job!
by paradiseseeker 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Well done!
Its never too late to pursue that career that you are passionate about.
Well done paradiseseeker a Spaniard teaching English I`m impressed
I got rid of many doubts about my adequacy for this job: I LOVE it! And I feel that my students see an excelent teacher in me.
That`s all the accolades you need ,congratulations .
While you open up new worlds through words, you also draw humanity closer together.
All my best to you and your students!
paradiseseeker, Congrats on the new job and welcome to the teaching profession.
You won't get rich as a teacher, but you can certainly make a difference while helping shape young minds, encourage them to think for themselves and live up to their full potential.
A bit of advice, after you have a year or two under your belt, pursue a Master's degree. Not only will it make you a better teacher it will also greatly increase your employability and earnings!
I turn 69 soon. I can still remember and spell my grade1 teachers name. She was lovely.