An important update!
The policeman who arrested my father 2 decades ago called me today. He wants to meet me tomorrow with his wife and daughter (he's 72 now and I haven't seen him since the trial!)
I said to him, "Do you know what happened to the detective who I first asked if I could charge my abuser?"
He said, "I only dealt with him on your case. And we never really got along. He wouldn't let me interview the Elders in Aylmer."
I said, "Why is that?"
"He knew I was angry at the Elders for not doing anything for you children!"
I said, "That's not why. Did you know that the detective was a Witness?"
"I can't believe he protected the Elders at the detriment of my case! And here back then I thought it was a sign from God that the detective was in the same JW religion as we were! That's why the Elders didn't show up in court as they had been supoened. They knew the detective was covering their asses!"
As some who've read my book have noted, my family was not only abused by the molester; we were abused by the system - both judicical and religious!