I think a large part of the issue is that JWs are not really taught how to debate intelligently. In fact, ask "too many" questions or the "wrong" questions, and you are branded as "weak / brazen / bad association".
JWs are instead taught to assert things. Point to JW sources or the NWT as "proof" - end of argument. If the other person does not accept it, he is "apostate" (if a JW) or "not humble" (if not a JW).
So, people leave the JWs, and suddenly are able to express diverse viewpoints, but lack the skills or vocabulary to do so well.
Also, JW-world is polarized - JWs vs. "worldly", God vs. Satan, "The Organization" vs. "Babylon the Great". If you're not for "us", you must be - you have to be - for "them". That kind of thinking is hard to shake. It takes time and effort to do so. And you first have to realize that you are that way, in order to fix it - not always easy to recognize in oneself.
So - an ex-JW forms a political opinion, and (1) views those who disagree as a "them" and not an "us", and (2) lacks the vocabulary / skills to adequately defend his point of view.
And you end up with threads that go round and round and repeat ad infinitum.
Nearly everybody who is or was a JW is damaged. Some are not able to repair the damage, maybe for a long time, maybe ever.
Political tit for tat threads are just one symptom of the damage incurred.