Nothing more than a working to ensure stupid hardship in all future lifetimes. By repeated affirmations "Poverty is a virtue" and similar affirmations, they embed within souls needless hardships. Each time you go to a boasting session and hear that it is a virtue to suffer for joke-hova, you are being set up. This attitude is absolutely the worst--the mindset that suffering and hardship is somehow a virtue is worse than the "I am suffering, and there is nothing I can do about it and it will last forever" attitude. At least that attitude doesn't glorify the suffering, and casts it in a bad light.
Which is more than can be said about "I am suffering, hence I am virtuous. Those who do not suffer this much are not doing enough for joke-hova". Not only that betrays lack of ability to change it, but lack of any want to. It even gets others to seek out suffering, even if subconsciously, so they too can be virtuous. Many quit jobs so they can pious-sneer or move to where the need is greater. Others sacrifice their health so they can do Israel missions they should not be doing, or so they can pious-sneer. And others cause other types of suffering on themselves, which they could do something to prevent, so they can please joke-hova.