and you dont know if they are still JW's and they aren't sure if you are and there is this awkward chat and then a quick seeya? Or is it just me?
Dont you hate it when you bump into other JW's....
by blackout 16 Replies latest jw friends
Nahhh...I don't hate it. Actually, I don't give a flyin' f*ck at a rollin' donut what they think of me. I'm happy the way I am and I'm not ashamed of who I am. If they want to let a bunch of wrinkled old men tell them who to talk to and about what...that's their problem, not mine.
I'll treat them as I would anyone else I meet...If they are sh*theads, they'll be treated accordingly...if they are nice and nonjudgemental...hey, welcome.
No,if they`re looking to be jerks,I love to run into them...OUTLAW
Happened to me the other day in a local supermarket.
I had heard through the "Apostate" grape vine that someone fitting the description had start meeting with a local Christian, who is into helping JW ministry.
Trouble is I am not 100% sure it is that couple! They will know for definate that I am no long going to the meetings, they are from the sharing cong.
We just did exactly as you said, smiled briefly said a quick hello and that was that. We kept bumping into the other couple as we shopped, we did no communicate at all after the first occasion.
Actually, I've had fun a couple of times with this.
You know how JWs - regardless of the fact that they don't officially celebrate their own birthdays - still like to dress up and go out for dinner to mark the occasion? heh heh This scheme works particularly well if you see them, but they haven't seen you.
Near the end of the JWs' meal, I'll slip the server $10 (it's worth EVERY dime!) to pay for the birthday person's (it's best if it's an elder or MS) cake and an enthusiastic rendition of the Happy Birthday song by the restaurant staff, and request that I remain anonymous. They will think it's someone in their family or the group of friends with them. Who else would know, right?
It's very entertaining to watch the reactions. Then on the way out..... you make eye contact with them and give them the I-can't-believe-you-would-stumble-me-like-that look. Or the you-are-such-a-hypocrite look. Whichever one works best.
heh heh heh
Love, Scully
Scully, you had me bent over in a fit of laughter when I read your post above. Hilarious!!
Honestly, I can't say that I have run into any JWs. I'm no where near where I was when I first became a Dub back in the late 70s/early 80s. When I moved to Toronto, I think I only saw some Dubs 2X, after I had really and truly left the Borg.
First encounter was a sister from a congregation here in Toronto. She didn't even seem to notice me. I sort of got out of the way, and out of site, this was back in 1984, so I was still freshly out of the Borg.
Second encounter was in 1987, when I flew back east to see my Mom. I remember going into the liquor store, and there was a guy I recognized. He actually smiled and nodded. I said "hello" back. I can't remember if he was baptized or not. Anyways, when I come to think of how much we can change in our looks, in let's say: 20 years. Chances are, they (JWs) would not recognize me; I wouldn't recognize them. Seeing 2 friends this past summer drove that home for me. When I saw them, after 20 years, I realized..."THEY'VE CHANGED" - I would have to look twice at them.
I suppose one of these days, I will encounter someone from the dubdays. I am not afraid of these encounters anymore, and don't expect they'll embrace me anytime soon.
Rayzorblade from the 'don't touch me I'm sick' class.
LOL @ Scully - what a scream!
Whenever I've seen local JWs I smile and say hello - I have no reason to hide from them, why should I? They know I haven't been to the meetings for years now, and if they did bring up the subject, I would quickly change the subject, or at least let them know that I don't wish to discuss that.
It is interesting to see JWs reactions - even though I'm neither da'd nor df'd, some have avoided eye contact, whilst others treat me like an old friend they haven't seen for a while. I always get a kick out of the ones who either avoid me, or aren't sure how to react.
Scully....You're Baaaad !
Sounds like a Kodak moment to me. Better yet a digital pic, you can post for the lurkers !
What amazes me, is the different reaction you receive from JWs, depending on the circumstances. I occasionally meet up with JWs due to my work, and everything is cordial. I can meet up with the same JW a week or 2 later in a restaurant, or hardware store, and the reaction is usually the opposite. Anything to avoid talking to you, or even make eye contact.
They usually scurry like coackroaches, when you turn on the lights.
That's usually a dead give away. Ummmh. Yup must still be a JW.
" I just want the truth..I've been lied to all my life "
I think the point of the original poster was more of a...making contact after some time away. This is especially pertinent if someone moved OUT of your area when you were both JWs and is looking you up on the net, and chatting with you or shooting emails or something. Especially formerly close friends.
It's all like....well, it's like a dance, you know? Trying to find out....are they still in? Do they think I am? Are they trying to find out if I'm in? What happens if they are in and find out I'm not? Should I play like I am? Is it worth it? etc, etc.
I've done that twice recently, reading through those emails is funny. Actually, the first time, I *WAS* still in at the time, and the guy contacting me (my best friend growing up) was not. I had to know, so I kept asking probing question. "What did you think of such and such part at the last assembly? How did you like the article in such and such Awake!". He played along like he was in, and I, as a good JW, really pushed the point, since I couldn't talk to him, after all, if he wasn't still in.
I'm actually glad he played along, as if he hadn't I'm almost sure I would have cut him off. It was more than a year after we got back in touch before I actually did leave. I think I could hear him exhale in relief halfway across the country when I told him.
Dear Scully; Why does it actually have to be the persons birthday? I love it and will do it the next time I see the Friends at a Restaurant. As for running into the J-duds, I see them at Home Depot all the time. I grew a beard and long hair and as soon as I see them I light up as if to say, " Hey ! How are you! Great to see you!" and start to walk over to them. Most times they run into things trying to get away from me. Its a great show and makes my whole day! Maverick