Consider the typical character of Witness life: "Spirituality" as a word is twisted and misapplied into a sterile life of dead
meeting attendance and peddling magazines - instead of emphasizing active compassion and ethical qualities. This tendency
started , long ago, with Rutherford, who criticised "character building" amoung Russelites - who CORRECTLY understood
what the Bible was asking for - in display of Christian principles -instead of Service Meeting salesmanship.
Today, you have Witnesses , often afflicted by their own servitude to the Watchtower, Inc. , desparately looking for any hint of
Armageddon in every assembly talk - while words like "charity" may as well be in a foreign language.
Notice too,in recent years, the utter decline of SPECIFIC APPLICATION of good Christian principles in areas of critical concern. Why should
Witness DIVORCE be so bitter, hateful and vengeful? Why should Witnesses be functionally incapable of remembering to put all
agreements in writing first - or remember to 'never be alone with another sister you're not married to'?
The answer is that they have systematically reduced Witness adults into willing retardation - as little more than children, unable to
think for themselves or conduct their lives with maturity - or grace. Good God! Even Hasidim or Mormons or other cultish control
religions manage to build SOME KIND OF INTERNAL STRUCTURE to help their people find jobs, build careers, make business
contacts, find child care, or just GET HELP - beyond tired elders who listen and do nothing ( except disfellowship, of course!)
Don't think that ANY doctrinal fraud will ever result in a mass awakening of Witnesses. Whether child molesting, 1914, blood
transfusion or otherwise, there's nothing there to trigger when 'truth' is simply determined by whatever the next magazine declares
to be "light". No structure of logic, system of theology, or well thought out rationale is even necessary. Evolution is false, the Bible
is true, the Governing Body is led by God - because WE say so!
Don't get too bitter at the sad people who shun you - they may never understand what victims they've allowed themselves to become
when they agreed to abandon reason in pursuit of a promised paradise that never quite arrives.