I was the assigned reader for the Witchower on a Sunday for the study. I wore modest suits and my mom always made sure I looked spiffy. A bastard Elder came up to me at the end of the meeting and told me that I should cross my legs when participating on the platform. That disgusting bastard was looking at my C@#k and B%#ls.
Some Idiot Elder that would make up sh*t as he always got into doctrinal pickles. This elder told my mom and I that we would make it into the new system if we turned at least one worldly person into a Dub.
Also, my mom had me burn some Cabbage Patch Kid dolls, because Brothers said they were demonic.
Did anyone ever hear the stupid story about the kid in a hall who was sleeping on the floor between a row of seats? He woke up crying because his Barney plush toy woke him up and ran out of the hall laughing?