Do you think that the average elder, MS, pioneer or publisher is different in attitude today? Would the Witness of 10 or 20 years ago, have the same way of thinking as today's JW's?
What Do You Think Is the Typical Attitude Of The Average JW Now?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
When i was in the cult , most elders were actually nice not really out to get you.Didn't really see any of them spying or acting like super beings.I personnaly think the gb is getting on their casses because of law suites and declining cult members .I have notted some average jws all seem to have a chip on their shoulder about what who knows.Maybe their upset cause the end didn't come yet and all us apostates are alive and talking.
When I am at the meetings, I look around at the faces of the bro and sis. Most have a spaced out look. Some look brain dead.
I think that the vast majority of Jw have become quite complacent, almost doing things as an act of obligation rather than out of love.
Thirty or twenty years ago there was more zeal among the bro. and sis., I don't see that anymore.
I think the average sister is sitting there looking at brothers around the hall and thinking "nice butt".
I think the average brother is sitting there looking at sisters around the hall and thinking "nice rack"
JW's in for a long time have to be questioning when the end is coming. When they changed the generation understanding they also promised in the same article that the end certainly would come before the next century.
LB....Before the next century? In that article? Are you sure about that?
I echo wannaexit's thoughts. Most seem to be more or less going through the motions. Many had the wind taken out of their sails with the 'new light' on the 'this generation' matter, and are secretly wondering why the system's dragging on so long. A growing number are losing their sense of urgency accordingly, interspersed with the odd moment of excitement created by international troubles and world developments that they imagine might signal that the end is close.
There are more and more who just drag their bodies to the meetings and sit their like lumps, with their spaced out far away expressions. Heck, having to endure all those meetings year after year, the same format over and over, would be enough to make someone become a zombie anyway. How can u keep any kind of genuine enthusiasm up, unless convinced in one's own mind that the end is 'just around the corner' like it has been for the past 100 years.
In one of Metatron's posts, he referred to the current crop of newbie elders and mini servants as "Cosa Nostra Wiseguys". I thought it was perfect, getting appointed to a position anymore is like getting "made" in a mafia family.
The R&F are burnt to a crisp and are desperately hoping that the the end really is coming this time, so they can finally get their return on the incredible time investment they've dumped into the WT.
Some are still really smug in the "knowledge" that "we have the Truth", but I would say alot are not quite so sure any more. It all started in 1995 when they changed the Generation doctrine. Although the GB tried making it sound as though it were a minor change, EVERONE knew that this was a major change to their central doctrine although no one wanted to come right out and say it. That was when alot started leaving the Borg. The fact that you could now find out all kinds of info on the Internet is also a major blow for them and then with the pedophile problem and the UN scandal, well, I'd have to say that the Witnesses I know certainly don't look quite so smug any more. One brother told me that he hates going out in Service now because at least 40% of the doors he knocks on are people who have watched Dateline, CNN and The Fifth Estate and he has no answer to their remarks.
I haven't been in a KH for almost fifteen years, but I see witness on the street frequently. Doing street work seems to be the way to rack up time these days. But what is interesting is the fact that they show no interest in actually talking to people. They stand against a building holding up the mags while everybody walks past them, ignoring them. I wouldn't be surprized to find out that a lot of the passing people think they are street people. It certainly looks like the borg is dying on the inside.
From what I can see, the average witness is really unsure of what he or she is. Years ago, a JW was very proud and cocky. Now, it seems that Witnesses don't know what to say. Most seem to be going with the flow. They are generally kingdumb brain dead ones.