When you said "HM couples" I thought you meant happily married couples at first
Screwed up sexually
by purrpurr 40 Replies latest jw friends
I screwed up sexually many times------but actually my wife likes it better when I'm on top! Get my mind out of the gutter I know!
hey just saying!
This girl sounds terribly screwed up- you are playing with a land mine..
eyeused2badub - "I screwed up sexually many times..."
Yeah, that's gonna happen to beginners.
With practice comes improvement, though.
Brokeback Watchtower
I definitely makes you sexually repressed and getting sexually unrepressed can be very tricky. I was 18 when they recruited me into the cult, which being a young male meant suppressing my otherwise naturally health sex life. I stop my regular habit of masturbation(1-3 times a day to 0 times a year) and sex anytime I could get it which wasn't that often, or at least nothing to brag about.
Even when I got married I would have feeling of guilt if I had sex more than once a day. It more or less was just without too much exploration for rear of displeasing jealous God that don't like you having too much sexual fun.
When I left the cult I went and did a lot of sexual experimentation to find my self, now I have a lot better/healthier sex life and able to focus more while with my significant other, without any worries about my invisible imaginary Jehovah getting his undies all in a twist over it.
Personally, I have been screwed up a bit in that department. My boyfriend mentioned once, "You never really... say NO to anything." I guess being raised to "not deprive" your partner is still pretty deeply ingrained! I was also always told, "It may be years before you're ever able to actually enjoy sex," by most of the women in my family. I now realize that they must have been doing something horribly wrong, because it's actually wonderful! But being raised with that in my mind, and then finding out what a normal relationship is like sent me over the edge, because now I want it all the time. Though, the boyfriend doesn't complain much about that.
Read all of this. I don't have a whole lot I want to share indelibly on the internet, but suffice to say, the GB's attempt at controlling sexuality at all levels has been one of the most offensive things about the cult to me. As an elder appointed at 26, I had to listen to stuff that frankly, was none of my damn business. But it was YHWH's, so, there ya go.
I mean, have you met the Governing Body? Have you ever wondered why they don't have kids? It ain't that difficult to figure folks... These guys are real Richards.... but I digress.
In all seriousness, my heart breaks that such a sensitive and private part of a person must be introduced to an invisible "god" that only exists in your mind. And who will kill you, or reprove you, or whatever, over how you use your genitalia. Good luck getting over that without therapy.... Meaning, get some help. It'll be good for you. :)
As an elder appointed at 26, I had to listen to stuff that frankly, was none of my damn business. But it was YHWH's, so, there ya go.
My mindset as a zealous JW teenager:
Was not Timothy given mature responsibilities as a teenager? Was not Samuel called to Jehovah's service as a child? Would we refuse counsel from either of them were they alive today? Who are we to question Jehovah's wisdom in this regard?
My mindset as a 40 year-old ex-JW:
I wouldn't trust most 26 year-olds with directions to the nearest gas station, much less with marriage counseling.
Two dislikes on my last post as of this one.
Was I that wrong?
Beth Sarim
eyeused2badub - "I screwed up sexually many times..."
Yeah, that's gonna happen to beginners.
With practice comes improvement, though.''
You mean this one?
Actually, I think you were that dead-on, right.