Keep Awake!!

by ThomScotland 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I'm sorry to sound insulting but are we supposed to take this person seriously?

    You are trying to get a degree YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL!

    As for the environment, the idea that men are incapable of improvement is a Watchtower lie, pure propaganda they use

    to manipulate their ignorant followers. The rivers and air in most any urban area of the US have gotten objectively better

    across my lifetime. The amount of unused, idle land has increased enormously - because farming is far more efficient

    than it was years ago. The reduction of nuclear weapons and materials in the former USSR borders on the MIRACULOUS.

    If someone had predicted the Soviet collapse without nuclear disaster ( so far), they would have been thought crazy!

    Yes, there are challenges ahead - but your poorly written and reasoned post illustrates how the Watchtower breeds a class

    of fearful, blind failures in life who must always be tempted by thoughts of 'returning' no matter what the facts say.

    I wish for you the honest betterment of your life - apart from Watchtower deceptions.


  • TR
    Jehovah has never left my mind.


    That eeeez yourrrr prrrroblem! Joo have an imaginarrrrry god lurrrrrking about eeeeen yourrrrr head.

    TR- Dr. B.S. class

  • RunningMan

    "then our governments have went mad"

    If you check some history, you will find that mad governments are the rule, not the exception. World events always seem huge and freightening to those who are present at the time, but in historical perspective, things look more settled.

    Now, let's take a look at this refuge that you are advocating. In my life, I have read thousands of pages of JW drivel, that becomes obsolete faster than you can file the stuff. If you are looking to them for answers to a freightening situation, think again. In all of their history, they have never - not once - made a verifiable prediction that has come true.

    So, really, if you are looking for security, read the Watchtower and do the opposite.

  • JamesThomas

    Hello and welcome Thomas, Dear fellow, it is not necessary to continue loving and adoring an idea of god who will kill you if you don't. To worship a god with lower morals than Hitler, is a disease which needs a name. Perhaps reading books like" History of God", by Karen Armstrong, and similar books may help you lose the fear that has been so deeply programmed into you. I wish you peace, JamesT

  • ARoarer

    don't feed the trolls

  • JamesThomas


    He looked hungry.

  • Robotnomore

    I don't think you have to worry to much. If God would save the Gov. Body after all the lies they've told, I think you will be safe.


  • mattnoel

    Hi mate,

    Sad I know but he isnt going to do anything as he dont exist.

    I too was diss'd for the same thing and believe me am the happiest I have ever been in my life.

    I take it your in the UK and feel the same about blair going in and bombing somewhere, when it seems all that this is all for now is the oil.

    Another reason to add toyour list of the governments going mad...........allthe assylum seekers entering OUR country every day and living on better benefits than us working folk of the UK.


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