Here's a belief.........and a question

by Flowerpetal 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RR

    Well my friend, it's up to you to give the burden of proof, that "ALL" flesh mean EVERYONE in the world, I guess by your definition "ALL flesh" would include animals!

    Religion is man's attempt to reach God,
    Jesus is God's attempt to reach man.

  • TDaze

    Ah, so, some pagan, worshipping a rock because of his being included in "all flesh" would have received this holy spirit? I don't think so!

    That's not what he said:

    This spirit of truth has since that time been available to each and every human being

    So in this spirit would then be accessable to whoever asked for it, not just a select few. I think that's more in line with the Christian mythology.

    Luckily for the rest of the human race, RR, God is not limited by that same stunted viewpoint

    Indeed. I think God would first have to overcome His non-existence, lol.

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