Maybe they are starting to get it!!

by Mulan 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    My JW friend told me there was a part on the Service Meeting last night, about calling on inactive ones. We knew that was in the KM. She said the PO gave it as a talk, and said there were 15 inactive ones in their territory (we are 2 of them), and that elders had been assigned to call on all of them to encourage them.

    But..................he said all those in the congregation can and should call on inactive ones regularly, and truly encourage them. And...............when and if they show up at the KH, they should be warmly welcomed, and not whispered about, and not shunned.

    I was pretty shocked. After 7 years, it's about time they decided to act human, at least. Too late, but it's a nice thought anyway.

    We are still waiting for our call.

  • MrMoe

    Mulan - That is VERY cool! But I think the attitude in each hall is very different. Some are warmer than others. Know what I mean?

  • Mulan

    This particular congregation is very cold. It won't make any difference to us, but I thought it was interesting.

    I have had some very frank telephone conversations with the PO, about my mother and how people rarely call on her. She is 90 and housebound, so it ticks me off that they ignore her, and she has given her life to this thing. Grrrrr. Anyway, I told him one time that the women in the congregation have too much say, and I included his wife. He actually told me that he knew what I said was very true, and that he was working on it.

    Then he said he had beat his head against the wall, trying to motivate these people, and nothing seems to work. I suspect his latest tactic won't work either, but I give him an "A" for trying.

  • Dansk

    Hi Mulan,

    Says it all doesn't it. The congregation has to be TOLD to call on inactive ones. The loving concern for those who have "faded" away is so touching I almost burst into tears (ok, so I'm a liar - I've had 15 years practice!).

  • Mulan

    Dansk, My husband was an elder for 25 years, and he always said that if they aren't told to do something, they will do nothing, and say "no one told me to do that". It really used to frustrate him.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)

  • crinklestein

    So, using the SHEEP analogy: If a sheep strays from the flock, the shepard has to wait for an order from his boss before he starts searching for the lost sheep? He needs to be told that, when he finds that sheep he needs to be NICE TO IT instead of kicking it all the way back to flock? And the rest of the flock needs to be told to be nice to it and not engage in actions that would DRIVE IT AWAY AGAIN??! And that, if the boss doesn't tell the shepard and the flock to do these things then they will do NOTHING??!!

    Kind of goes against what the definition of a spiritual leader is, doesn't it? Afterall, the Bible also used the Sheep analogy as when talking about leaders.

  • crinklestein

    So, using the SHEEP analogy: If a sheep strays from the flock, the shepard has to wait for an order from his boss before he starts searching for the lost sheep? He needs to be told that, when he finds that sheep he needs to be NICE TO IT instead of kicking it all the way back to flock? And the rest of the flock needs to be told to be nice to it and not engage in actions that would DRIVE IT AWAY AGAIN??! And that, if the boss doesn't tell the shepard and the flock to do these things then they will do NOTHING??!!

    Kind of goes against what the definition of a spiritual leader is, doesn't it? Afterall, the Bible also used the Sheep analogy as when talking about leaders. Is there

  • crinklestein

    So, using the SHEEP analogy: If a sheep strays from the flock, the shepard has to wait for an order from his boss before he starts searching for the lost sheep? He needs to be told that, when he finds that sheep he needs to be NICE TO IT instead of kicking it all the way back to flock? And the rest of the flock needs to be told to be nice to it and not engage in actions that would DRIVE IT AWAY AGAIN??! And that, if the boss doesn't tell the shepard and the flock to do these things then they will do NOTHING??!!

    Kind of goes against what the definition of a spiritual leader is, doesn't it? Afterall, the Bible also used the Sheep analogy as when talking about leaders. Is there any

  • crinklestein

    Ooops. Sorry. :smile:

    Is there any more reason to hang on to this fantasy that they are LOVING and following some TRUTH?

  • NoMoreJW

    I`m not worried. I can`t see it happpening. Why? Because they won`t understand this part: "they should be warmly welcomed, and not whispered about, and not shunned".


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