Yeah, there are JW kids who really want to do what is right. They do what is right because they've been taught, and do believe, it's the right thing to do. And there are several such kids elsewhere in Christendom too. I was such a kid. Brought up by Christiandom parents. Fornication, no! Smooching, no! But I don't ever remember Father and Mother saying anything directly about them. It was just a body of 'principles' of right, and wrong. then I became a JW. The tragedy of JW doctrine is the compartmentaization of sins, into those leading to death and not. I recall, with clarity, how I would wonder how hypocritical some of the disctinctions were. Then it became a pastime to play with the rules: what would lead to reproof, private or public? Would would not lead to disfellowshipment. There were many in the game, veteran Dub kids. And there were the sisters who knew exactly what to do after some awful act; just the right thing to do, how to behave before the elders and not get the axe. No, not all JW kids are like that, but the smart ones learn it all fast. The most important thing is being in good standing with the Org. That's what counts. It's a tragedy of morals, a facade, perpetuated by the self righteousness of old men at Brooklyn. And there stooges in the local congregation.