I am the new vermin.
Of course by disfellowshipping myself I don't need put a yellow star on my jacket. But I am identifying myself to be looked at and resented like people did with the Jews.
Yes I am overdramatising my possible misfortune. I will still be allowed on the buses, to visit the zoo, and such places that were deprived the sight of Jewish families. But my point is how wrong it is that former friends and family could even think I am no longer good enough.
And that is my point, they are not strangers they are my former friends and family who would treat me this way.
What can I learn from this?
I will not become like them, I will not hate any of them.I will not hate their names, and I will not hate their faces. But I will hate their rotten religion and I will never say they are right. I will not share in their intolerance and hypocracy. Instead I will help them ,and be their for them when they need me.
So I will wear the figurative " Yellow Star" they will put upon me with pride.
The Rebel