Disaster preparedness

by ElderBerry 85 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mikejw
    The 'Go Bags"! oh I can't even tell you how damn ridiculous my jw is about his 'go bag'. He was traveling for a bit a few years back and didn't go anywhere without it . He even wanted to get me one, cause at heart he is a nice guy. However, if you saw my pantry you would stifle a giggle as did I

    The go bags are not be ridiculed. You can’t take your garden or your pantry with you. Maybe JWs got this one right, I think everyone should follow JW ideas on go bags and every year go over them all replace old with new food and water.

    JWs also say to have a reasonable amount of food and provisions stored up but just bear in mind whatever situation you need your go bags for may mean you have to bug out and No knowing if or when you can return home

  • TonusOH

    I'd much rather know how to grow and store food than have a bag of stale bread and MREs. If things are so bad that you couldn't keep a garden, I don't see how a bag of old rations and a flashlight are going to make any difference.

  • Balaamsass2

    My "worldly" dad fought in two wars, was shipwrecked, and was stranded on an island for 3 months. Later he worked as a plant supervisor for a Silicon Valley Defense contractor making Nuclear Triggers, Microwave communications, reverse engineering of Soviet Tech, etc. He was a "prepper"...to a point. His concern was "EMPs" (Electromagnetic pulse tech) during the Cold War. He and his Military contacts felt it was likely the US "Grid" would be knocked out for a few + weeks. He insisted we be self-reliant for a minimum of 4 weeks. He even kept spare electronics in Faraday cages and insisted on a full freezer, generator, and garden. He said no one would survive a full nuclear attack, and that beyond 4 weeks the government would respond or we would all die anyway. :(

    MOST USA disasters are relatively local (Wildfires, earthquakes, Tornados, floods, Hurricanes, riots), simply packing snacks, cash, important papers, photos, and laptops, and then driving 100+ miles away to hang out in a comfy hotel with a restaurant is our idea of a disaster plan. :)

  • Mikejw
    simply packing snacks, cash, important papers, photos, and laptops, and then driving 100+ miles away to hang out in a comfy hotel with a restaurant is our idea of a disaster plan

    Sounds very similar to JWs disaster preparedness.

    they say pack go bags with those things and then travel to nearest congregations that are not affected by the disaster and they will look after you.

    The branch office will send trucks with provisions if needed.

    then the branch will see what can be done about rehousing those who need it.

    there are local disaster relief groups all around the world with lots of willing volunteers.

    its much better to be part of a larger community than trying to be a lone wolf. If not JWs then someone else but it really is best to be part of something

  • carla

    I wasn't suggesting that a go bag in general was a bad idea, just that my jw was a bit nuts about his and what it contained was ridiculous in real life situations. Furthermore, why would I trust anything coming from the gb or its entities. ( I don't know where he got his 'go bag")

    In the US we are coming upon tornado season, it is a good idea to keep provisions on hand and if necessary put documents in dish washer as that seems to hold up to tornadoes. Go to your basements as needed and do not do as we do in the Midwest and go out on the porch to watch the storm. Don't give me grief about it, it's a thing we do, go watch the storm, and run to basement as needed. Yeah, we also grill out in snow storms. We are a hardy (maybe dumb) lot. Go Pack Go.

  • Mikejw

    We should all have go bags and a plan in the event of needing it.

    It’s better to be part of a group who look after each other than be a lone wolf.

    JWs are actually very good at this. Perhaps the best international organisation at looking after their own.

    They are almost always the first in with aid and the last out after rebuilding work.

    Or if the situation is so bad that you have to leave your country then you will have those related to you in the faith ready to welcome you into their homes in other countries.

    This is a good reason to stay physically in, even if you are mentally out or agnostic.

    Similar to the Hospital liaison committee being such a help and you getting better medical care and being so well looked after with lots of visits and help if you go into hospital. Many stay physically in for these benefits even if they are agnostic as to if God exists.

    They don’t feel so alone and they feel safer with these trained brothers talking to their doctors and the doctors feel they can’t take so many short cuts on JWs as they are being checked up on.

    If it really comes to that need blood then take it rather than dying, but you generally get better care if they know they can’t just pump blood into you so easily

  • TonusOH

    Mikejw: JWs are actually very good at this. Perhaps the best international organisation at looking after their own.

    That is a very narrow category. Most international organizations do not limit themselves to only helping a very small and very specific group of people, or even just prioritizing them. So they are the best in a category that doesn't have many members because it doesn't make them look particularly good.

  • NotFormer

    TonusOH: "That is a very narrow category. Most international organizations do not limit themselves to only helping a very small and very specific group of people, or even just prioritizing them. So they are the best in a category that doesn't have many members because it doesn't make them look particularly good."

    It's a small sample size. And we don't know how effective WT disaster management is, even for JWs, because it's not like JWs are going to leave poor ratings about how the WT handled an emergency. Like so many things, we have to take the GB's word for it that they know what they're doing. 🙄

  • NotFormer

    Mikejw: "If it really comes to that need blood then take it rather than dying, but you generally get better care if they know they can’t just pump blood into you so easily"

    "They" don't just "pump blood into" people willy-nilly. Blood is a precious life-saving resource that "they" save for those whom "they" determine really need it. It's rare, so it's used sparingly.

    The HLC's job is to make sure that JWs die with a clear conscience. Don't kid yourself about them existing for any higher motive.

  • Mikejw
    a day ago
    Mikejw: JWs are actually very good at this. Perhaps the best international organisation at looking after their own.
    That is a very narrow category. Most international organizations do not limit themselves to only helping a very small and very specific group of people, or even just prioritizing them. So they are the best in a category that doesn't have many members because it doesn't make them look particularly good

    You may be right if you put it like that it sounds selfish.

    but This is why they are the best disaster preparedness group to be a part of.

    they kind of try to work good towards all but 99.9% to those related to them in the faith


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